10 Things to Include in your next Real Estate Newsletter
Providing valuable information to prospects has always been a good way to turn them into leads in the real estate industry. This has been a proven effective way to build your brand and trust. Real estate newsletters have been a tried and true way to stay in contact with prospects, customers and leads. Realtor newsletters fall into what marketers refer to as “content marketing.” The point is to position yourself as the neighborhood expert in real estate. If you use real estate newsletters as part of your real estate marketing materials, here are 10 tips to keep in mind for your next one.
1. A Local Market Update – Your potential clients want to know what the real estate market is in their neighborhood. Bring them into the loop with info such as local inventory and length of time on the market.
2. Recently Listed and Sold Properties in your Farm – This can be a real eye opener and motivator for those in your farm. You don’t have to just include your listings either. Include a disclaimer and as many listings as you’d like.
3. Community Involvement – Showcase charitable work you’ve and your team has done or community events you have participated in. If you are having a hard time coming up with events, maybe you need to be more proactive in this area.
4. Real Estate Trivia – Challenge your readers with trivia or real estate definitions. Get them to participate mentally while reading.
5. Include a Real Estate Joke, Pun or Cartoon – Make sure material isn’t copyrighted or you have permission. This can show a less serious side.
6. Have a Coupon for a Local Business – Team with a local business to give the business exposure and your readers something they will view as having value. Make sure the coupon is worth redeeming.
7. Include Several Calls to Action – “Send us referrals”, “Enter our contest” or “see how much your home is worth” are examples.
8. Client Testimonial – These are powerful ways to show how your efforts are paying off for other people in your farm.
9. Social Media URLs – Be sure to include your website address and social media connections with a call to action to follow you on social media. You may even include a teaser to find the answer to a newsletter question on your social media.
10. Upcoming Area Events – Demonstrate you are connected by including a list of upcoming area events. People may eventually seek you out to help them promote their event.
Let ReaMark help you create a custom marketing piece today. We can efficiently and effectively show you how to use a real estate newsletter and other printed promotional material to increase your leads, listings and sales. Contact ReaMark today and save 15-30% on a customized newsletter!