Rebooting Your Real Estate Business After Summer: Strategies for Success

Posted by Rick on Aug 30th, 2024

As the summer days wind down and the hustle of back-to-school season takes over, many real estate professionals experience a noticeable slowdown in their business. But this end-of-summer lull can also be the perfect time to recharge, refocus, and reboot your real estate business. With a few strategic moves, you can position yourself for a strong finish to the year. Here are some actionable tips for revitalizing your real estate business and staying top of mind in your local area.

1. Reconnect with Your Sphere of Influence

Summer vacations, family activities, and the general hustle of the season often mean less face time with your clients and leads. Now is the time to reconnect and re-engage.

  • Host an End-of-Summer Client Appreciation Event: Invite past clients and potential leads to a local park or restaurant for a casual get-together. It’s a great way to stay connected in a relaxed setting while reminding them of your expertise. You can even use this opportunity to hand out branded materials like our Magnetic Football Schedules, a thoughtful gift that keeps you visible throughout the entire football season.
  • Send a Personalized Email or Handwritten Note: Make it personal! A quick check-in note asking how the summer went and offering a helpful tip on the local market shows that you’re thinking about them as individuals, not just as clients.

2. Capitalize on Fall and Holiday Marketing

As we shift into fall, people begin to refocus on their goals for the rest of the year, including buying or selling homes. Now’s the perfect time to refresh your marketing efforts and leverage seasonal changes.

  • Leverage Seasonal Direct Mail: Stay top of mind by sending out Recipe Postcards with easy-to-make holiday recipes. These recipe cards aren’t just visually appealing—they also provide real value for homeowners who are planning gatherings in the months ahead. Not only will they appreciate the recipes, but they’ll also be reminded of you every time they look at the postcard.
  • Offer a Fall Market Update: Whether it’s through a blog post, newsletter, or social media, offer insights on current market trends. Explain why autumn can be a great time to buy or sell. Potential clients may be unsure of how the post-summer market works, so be the expert who guides them through it.

3. Strengthen Your Social Media Presence

With more people spending time at home during the fall and winter, social media engagement tends to increase. Now is a great time to boost your social media activity.

  • Engage with Local Content: Share and comment on local community events or news. By engaging with local content, you can keep yourself relevant and visible in your target neighborhoods. Don’t just focus on listings—show your personality by posting about local restaurants, parks, and businesses that you recommend.
  • Create Seasonal Content: This could be as simple as sharing fall home maintenance tips or as creative as doing a Facebook Live tour of a home you just listed, complete with fall decorations. Small touches like this make your content more relatable and engaging.

4. Prepare for the Upcoming Year

While it’s important to finish the year strong, don’t forget to plan ahead. Take this quieter time to set your goals for the next year, refresh your branding, and create a marketing calendar.

  • Order Branded Marketing Materials Now: Stock up on materials that can keep you in front of clients year-round. Our Magnetic Football Schedules are perfect for keeping you in view for months, while our Recipe Postcards with holiday recipes can be a hit right around Thanksgiving. By getting organized now, you’ll be able to hit the ground running when the busy season picks up again.
  • Organize Your CRM: Take the time to clean up your database, update contact information, and segment your list for more targeted marketing in the months to come. This will allow you to send more personalized communications, whether that’s a home anniversary reminder, a birthday wish, or a tailored market update.

5. Reconnect with Local Vendors

Another way to build business is by strengthening your relationships with local vendors. These relationships can be mutually beneficial, offering a steady stream of referrals for both parties.

  • Create a Vendor Referral Program: Partner with local contractors, landscapers, and home stagers to create a referral network. These vendors often work with homeowners who are preparing their properties for sale or need assistance after moving in. If you send business their way, they’ll likely return the favor.
  • Feature Local Businesses in Your Marketing: Partner with local businesses to feature them in your newsletters, blogs, or social media. You’ll build goodwill in the community and position yourself as a connected local expert.

6. Follow-Up with Summer Leads

If you had prospective buyers or sellers who were unsure about making a move during the summer, now is the time to follow up. They might be more motivated as the year comes to an end and their schedules become more predictable.

  • Use Targeted Follow-Up Campaigns: Segment your leads into categories such as “considering selling” or “first-time buyers,” then send them targeted emails with relevant information. For instance, sellers might appreciate a market analysis, while first-time buyers could benefit from tips on getting a mortgage pre-approval.


The post-summer period is a perfect time to reboot your real estate business and prepare for a strong finish to the year. By reconnecting with your sphere of influence, capitalizing on fall marketing opportunities, strengthening your social media presence, and planning ahead, you’ll set yourself up for success in the coming months.Don’t forget to leverage our Magnetic Football Schedules and Recipe Postcards to keep your name top of mind with clients. With the right strategies in place, you’ll be able to turn the end-of-summer lull into a season of growth and opportunity.

Creating Engaging Marketing Materials for the Fall Real Estate Market

Posted by Rick on Aug 15th, 2024

As the crisp air of fall settles in and the leaves begin to change, the real estate market also undergoes a seasonal shift. This time of year offers a unique opportunity to connect with potential buyers and sellers through marketing materials that capture the essence of the season. To stand out and resonate with your audience, it’s essential to create engaging, fall-themed marketing that not only highlights your real estate expertise but also brings value to your community. Here are some creative ideas using products from our catalog to help you make a lasting impression this fall.

1. 2025 Calendars: A Year-Long Reminder of Your Expertise

As the year winds down, people start thinking about the upcoming year. Distributing 2025 Calendars is a strategic way to stay top of mind with clients and prospects throughout the year. These calendars can be customized with beautiful fall imagery, important local dates, and, of course, your branding.

Tip: Consider including key local events in your calendar, such as high school football games, local festivals, or community gatherings. This not only makes your calendar more useful but also reinforces your connection to the local area.

2. Recipe Postcards: Easy Recipes for Back-to-School Season

The back-to-school season is hectic for many families, and offering easy, delicious recipes can be a great way to provide value to your clients. Our Recipe Postcards featuring quick and simple meals are perfect for this time of year. These postcards are not just promotional materials—they’re practical resources that your clients will appreciate and use.

Tip: Distribute these recipe postcards at local events, send them out as part of your fall mailing campaign, or hand them out during open houses. You can also include a personal note suggesting that the recipient shares the recipe with friends and family, helping to spread your name even further.

3. Time Change Postcards: A Timely Reminder

As daylight saving time ends, people often forget to change their clocks. Sending out Time Change Postcards serves as a helpful reminder and ensures that your brand is the first thing they think of when they adjust their clocks.

Tip: To make these postcards even more engaging, include a fall-themed checklist for home maintenance tasks that should be done as the season changes, such as checking smoke detectors, cleaning gutters, and prepping the home for colder weather. This adds value and positions you as a helpful resource beyond just real estate.

4. Highlight Local Events in a Fall-Themed Newsletter

Creating a newsletter that showcases local fall events is a fantastic way to engage with your community while subtly promoting your real estate services. Feature events like pumpkin patches, safe trick-or-treat zones, and local high school football schedules. This type of content is not only useful for your audience but also strengthens your connection to the community.

Tip: Alongside the event listings, include a section where you highlight a few local businesses that your clients might find interesting, such as a cozy café, a family-owned bookstore, or a boutique that offers fall décor. This not only supports local businesses but also positions you as a community-focused real estate professional.

5. Create a Fall-Themed Social Media Campaign

Extend your marketing efforts online by creating a fall-themed social media campaign. Use the visuals and themes from your physical marketing materials, such as your 2025 calendars and recipe postcards, to create cohesive and engaging content for your social media platforms.

Tip: Run a contest where followers can share their favorite fall recipe, with the winner receiving a gift card to a local restaurant or a seasonal gift basket. This encourages interaction with your brand and increases your visibility on social media.

6. Send a Fall Market Update with Your Branding

Clients and prospects are always interested in how the real estate market is performing. A fall market update, delivered through a beautifully designed postcard or email, can provide valuable insights while keeping your name top of mind. Incorporate fall colors and themes to make the update visually appealing.

Tip: Include a small section in the update that gives homeowners tips on preparing their property for sale in the fall, such as staging with seasonal décor or making sure the yard is free of leaves and debris.

Final Thoughts

Creating engaging marketing materials for the fall real estate market is all about blending useful content with seasonal charm. By using items from our catalog—like 2025 calendars, recipe postcards with easy back-to-school meals, and time change reminders—you can craft a marketing strategy that captures the spirit of fall while effectively promoting your real estate services.Ready to elevate your fall marketing? Explore our selection of 2025 Calendars, Recipe Postcards, and Time Change Postcards to find the perfect tools for your seasonal campaigns. With the right materials and a creative approach, you’ll capture the attention of buyers and sellers and set yourself up for success this fall.


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