3 Real Estate Marketing Tricks You’re Probably Not Using

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Aug 10th, 2016

Everybody is in search of the tips and tricks that will make their real estate marketing more effective. At ReaMark, we’ve spent the last 16 years working with over 35,000 real estate professionals. They have tried our products and made suggestions. We continue to create products and designs annually to make strategies more and more efficient.

Through the years, we’ve learned that are three basic marketing tricks that you should be using.

  1. Be Consistent. There is a basic principle of branding that suggests that consumers need to see your name at least seven times before it makes an impact. This easily explains why some agents who “try something” once or twice and don’t see immediate results will continue to struggle. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to purchase seven different products or marketing pieces. It does mean that marketing pieces like realtor notepads that keep your name visible to a prospect have added value. Build your brand, build your name recognition.
  2. Add Value. Many real estate professionals send generic messages to prospects that really don’t add value. Instead, show them a house in the neighborhood that recently sold, include an upcoming sports schedule or add a community calendar in your newsletter. Add value and your prospects will notice.
  3. Include a Call to Action. The most well written message can fall flat if it is not followed up with a call to action. That call to action may include “call us for a free home evaluation”, “learn more about programs for first time home buyers” or dozens of other ideas. ReaMark offers a wide choice of postcards that convey the message you want to get across. Make sure you ask prospects to do something, otherwise they won’t!

There is a lot of noise out there about marketing in real estate today. It is our experience that consistency, adding value, and creating a compelling call to action will provide the results you desire. If you would like the help of professionals with experience in marketing in the real estate industry, contact the team at ReaMark. We look forward to assisting you.

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