An Open Letter to Real Estate Professionals

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Jan 23rd, 2018

Dear Fellow Real Estate Professional,

Hello! I’m Richard Brown, president of ReaMark. I have been in direct marketing for over 30 years, with the last 18 years helping professionals like you substantially increase their listings, sales and, ultimately, their income.

There has never been a better time to increase your business with a regular contact strategy to anyone who knows you and can refer clients. All signs are pointing to a steady rise in the real estate business since interest rates are at record lows. In addition, inventory of homes are still low so listings are being sold quickly and for top dollar.

Each year I personally take hundreds of customer calls and the same question keeps coming up time and time again: “Rick, what works best? How can I make more money?”

So, last week I sat down, got away from the kids, and really thought about all of the success stories, trials and errors that Realtors have shared with me over the past two years. To help answer their question, I had to come up with several of my own:

  • With all being equal why are some realtors more successful than others?
  • What does actually work?
  • What has been proven time and time again to be the Golden Truth’s of success?
  • What makes a top agent?
  • How can my business survive when I have less money to spend because I am making less money?

One glaring fact I couldn’t ignore is that my business only makes money if the programs we recommend to you make you money. After much thought, I came up with four things you should be doing if you are serious about increasing your yearly income.

1. You MUST reach out to your past client contact list at least every month
Over 50% of your business should come from referrals. If you are not mailing your contact list you are losing money. You contact list should includes anyone who knows you, your friends or your family. The larger the list the more successful you will be. You really need to sit down and put this lists into a workable database.

2. Mail Just Listed/ Just Sold / Market updates and Open House Postcards
Announce your success! Since referrals are the largest part of your business and you want to build up your contact list, these marketing postcards are the second most effective tool at your disposal. You should mail the entire neighborhood and also your current contact list. If your budget is strained these could be part of your planned monthly but for better results you should be doing these mailings in addition to your contacts.

real estate neighborhood marketing

3. Track your results over time
The beauty of direct marketing is that is affordable and trackable. If you have 400 contacts then you could be mailing them twelve times per year for as little as 47 cents each or $188 per month. One sale and you pay for the entire year.

4. Become known as a specialist of your farm
A business with no prospects will die. You need a reliable consistent source of leads. Since most consumers perceive all real estate professionals to be pretty much the same, you must find ways to differentiate yourself. I get calls every day from customers thanking me two years later telling me that they now get 50% plus of all listings in their neighborhood. Walk your neighborhood twice per year with door hangers or notepads, submit articles to your local paper, become an advertising sponsor on a community podcast, create a neighborhood newsletter of community events or post educational videos about the local real estate market to your social media.

I feel great about sharing these strategies with you for a very simple reason: if we can help you become more successful in your business then ReaMark will be more successful in our business! Call one of our Marketing specialists today at 1-800-932-2957 and we will help you develop a plan to meet your budgets and sales goals.

I hope this letter has been helpful and has either confirmed what you are already doing or inspired you to call us. I am always available to help.  Please don’t hesitate to call me directly.

Best Regards,

Richard J. Brown

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