5 Homeowner Tips to Include in Your Spring Real Estate Newsletter

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Feb 22nd, 2018

One of the truly effective ways to reach leads and build sales in real estate is by building relationships with your target market. One of the easiest ways to do this is through a direct mail newsletter filled with helpful information about real estate, mortgages, homeowner maintenance tips, recipes, and more. A well constructed, consistently delivered newsletter helps build your brand and deliver your message. It also demonstrates you are in touch with your potential prospects and helps build trust.

If you are considering sending a  Spring newsletter to your farm, here are five timely homeowner tips to include.

  1. Gardening Tips
    Of course, the Spring is a perfect time to talk about gardening. Including tips about either flower or vegetable gardening is an effective, attention-getting real estate marketing strategy that appeals to many.
  2. Spring Cleaning Tricks 
    Include tips on how to make Spring cleaning easier or safer using natural homemade cleaning products. Discuss the benefits of less clutter and the fresh feeling of a freshly scrubbed home.
  3. Helpful Home Maintenance Strategies
    The Spring is the time to visually inspect your home after the colder weather and take steps to keep it well-maintained. This includes clearing the area around your outdoor A/C unit, cleaning gutters, picking up your yard, inspecting the roof, changing HVAC filters, and more.
  4. Steps to Take for Severe Weather SafetyThe spring is tornado and thunderstorm season throughout much of the country and supplying some reminders about severe weather safety can be well received. Explain the difference between watches and warnings, where the safest place in a home can be during a tornado, and even provide some severe weather safe driving tips.
  5. Spring Break and/or Summer Travel Ideas
    Many families get cabin fever during the cold weather season and the thought of planning a trip is often very welcome. Be sure to include some destination ideas, packing tips, and money saving strategies.

real estate newsletter homeowner tips
ReaMark newsletters are chock full of timely information and are designed to be sent throughout the year. They also provide enough space so you can customize your newsletter to best fit your area, your image, and to build your brand. Newsletters are available in black and white or full color and in a half-fold or tri-fold series. We have sold over 10 million newsletters to real estate agents and brokers just like you! Start building relationships with your target market the easy, proven way through ReaMark real estate marketing newsletters.

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