ReaMark’s Mailing Services Makes Marketing Easy!
Did you know that ReaMark can mail your postcards/newsletters/calendars or other marketing materials directly to your clients? All you have to do is send us your mailing list and we will handle all of the details for you. No longer will you have to hassle with applying hundreds of address labels and stamps to your marketing materials and then hauling them off to the post office. Let ReaMark do the work for you! We start by CASS certifying your mailing list, to remove any invalid or duplicate addresses. Then, we ink-jet your clients’ addresses directly onto the marketing piece for a professional finished look. Plus, we add FREE UV coating to all postcards that are mailed with ReaMark’s Mailing Service. Lastly we deliver mail to the post office twice a week to ensure your product mails as soon as production is complete. To learn more, ask questions or place an order, call us at 800-932-2957 or visit our website as