Repetition Is Key, Part 2

Posted by Rick on May 17th, 2013

As you can see, this idea as applied to real estate is worth repeating again. As was mentioned in the last post of just about the same name, homeowners often wait until the last minute to look for an agent with whom they can list. We’ve found that by sending repeat mailings there’s a greater likelihood of getting more business. Be a household name. If the homeowner sees your name whenever reaching for a pen or pad of paper, there’s a greater chance that they will think of you or when regularly seeing your newsletters for real estate listings.

Being trusted with handling something big like the listing of a family’s home is important. With mailings (real estate postcards perhaps), you are establishing yourself as someone worth trusting who is always ready to be helpful and friendly with the sale of a home.

The important thing to remember too is that sometimes it’s a slow process but having that extra patience when dealing with homeowners can really take you the extra mile. Best of luck out there!

Target Your Audience

Posted by Rick on May 10th, 2013

We’re used to seeing advertising all over (billboards, TV, online, print ads) that are so broad or so narrow that they hardly apply to us at all. We’re sure that you don’t want that to be how it is with your efforts to let others know about you when choosing your real estate marketing tool.

Taking a proactive approach and finding the people who are on their way to selling their house or those who might want to sell their house is key. Think about it for a moment. Do you sometimes not know what you want or how to get what you want? Having direction when making a big decision helps and if you select the appropriate real estate marketing tool, you can be that help to these potential customers.

Remember: mailing your information blindly is far from helpful to your business. That’s why we really advocate targeting your desired audience through the appropriate real estate marketing tool, whether your target is first time home buyers or current homeowners. Make sure when sending your real estate door hangers (or other promotions) out that they reach the right people every time.

How To from ReaMark: Looking for Listings & Reaching 150+ Contacts

Posted by Rick on May 1st, 2013

In real estate, it’s been our experience that it’s important to build your client base as it helps increase your sales. There are a lot of different strategies we’ve seen but one seems to have a real impact on contacts and has brought increased success for realtors:  our 4-page Real Estate Newsletters. ReaMark offers over 60 varieties of real estate newsletters that are timeless and feature no geographical references.


Each 4-page realtor newsletter contains industry-related topics, a recipe, and 2 large customization areas to print anything you want. Our newsletter offerings are now available with black & white personalization or our new full-color personalization. Each newsletter features an average of 60% real estate related news and 40% special interest articles targeted directly to homeowners and delivers the marketing impact that drives results. Our success with these newsletters can be illustrated by mentioning that, to date, we have sold over 10 million copies to our more than 30,000 customers. We are proud to offer something that has allowed so many clients of ours to see greater success and reach more people.


We’ve found that it’s necessary to approach each contact with warmth and sincerity and with ReaMark’s realtor newsletter offerings you can do just that.


Something to keep in mind: Right now all ReaMark Real Estate Newsletters are 25%-50% off thru June 30th, 2013. Hurry, offer good while supplies last!


A Note From ReaMark’s President

Posted by Rick on Apr 24th, 2012

Dear Fellow Real Estate Professional,

Hello I’m Richard Brown, president of ReaMark. I have been in direct marketing for over 25 years with the last 12 years helping Real Estate Professionals, just like you, substantially increase their listings, sales and ultimately their income.

Times are tough in today’s ever changing real estate market. However, all signs point to a slow but steady rise in our business. Affordability is at an all time high while interest rates are at record lows.

Each year I personally take hundreds of calls and the same questions keep popping up time and time again. “Rick, what works best? How can I make more money?”

So last week I sat down, got away from the kids, and really thought about all of the success stories, trials and errors that Realtors have told me during the past two years. With all being equal why are some realtors more successful than others? What does actually work? What has been proven time and time to be the Golden Truths of success? What makes a top agent? How can my business survive when I have less money to spend because I am making less money?

One glaring fact is that my business only makes money if the programs we recommend make you money. And I came up with the four things you should be doing if you are serious about increasing your annual income.

1. You MUST contact your past clients contact list at least every month.

Over 50% of your business should come from referrals. If you are not mailing your contact list then you are losing money. You contact list should includes anyone who knows you, your friends and your family. The larger the list the more successful you will be. You really need to sit down and put this list into a workable database.

2. Mail Just Listed/ Just Sold / Market Updates and Open House Postcards.

Announce your success. Since referrals are the largest part of your business and you want to build up your contact list, these are the second most effective tools at your disposal. You should mail the entire neighborhood and also your current contact list. If your budget is strained these could be part of your planned monthly budget but for better results you should be doing these mailings in addition to your regular contact list.

3. Track your results over time.
The beauty of direct marketing is that is affordable and trackable. If you have 400 contacts then you could be mailing them 12 times per year for as little as 47 cents each or $188 per month. One sale and you pay for the entire year of marketing!

4.Become known as a specialist of your farm.

A business with no prospects will die. You need a reliable consistent source of leads. Since most consumers perceive all real estate professionals to be pretty much the same, you must find ways to differentiate yourself. I get calls everyday from customers thanking me two years later telling me that they now get 50% or more of all listings in their neighborhood. Walk your neighborhood twice per year, create and submit articles and or advertise in the neighborhood newsletters and finally educate them on community activities including the local real estate market.



I feel great about sharing these strategies with you for a very simple reason; if I can help you become more successful in your business than ReaMark will be more successful in our business. 

I hope this article has been helpful and has confirmed what you are doing or has inspired you to call us for help. If I can help please don’t hesitate to call me directly.

Best Regards,

Richard J. Brown



ReaMark’s Mailing Services Makes Marketing Easy!

Posted by Rick on Apr 23rd, 2012

Did you know that ReaMark can mail your postcards/newsletters/calendars or other marketing materials directly to your clients? All you have to do is send us your mailing list and we will handle all of the details for you. No longer will you have to hassle with applying hundreds of address labels and stamps to your marketing materials and then hauling them off to the post office. Let ReaMark do the work for you! We start by CASS certifying your mailing list, to remove any invalid or duplicate addresses. Then, we ink-jet your clients’ addresses directly onto the marketing piece for a professional finished look. Plus, we add FREE UV coating to all postcards that are mailed with ReaMark’s Mailing Service. Lastly we deliver mail to the post office twice a week to ensure your product mails as soon as production is complete. To learn more, ask questions or place an order, call us at 800-932-2957 or visit our website as

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