Hosting Summer Open Houses

Posted by Marketing on Jun 24th, 2024

Are you looking for real estate open house ideas to pass along to current and prospective clients? Summer is prime selling time, and an open house will help you create a buzz around your listings. Putting open house tips on newsletters or postcards can boost your reputation and it’s a great way to kickstart your real estate marketing campaign in a new farm area. Our team has put together top tips to help you and your clients execute a successful summer open house.

When Is the Best Time to Schedule an Open House?

If you want to draw a crowd, weekends are the best time to schedule your open house. We also recommend afternoon hours between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM when potential buyers are typically out and about anyway. For weekday open houses, consider opening the doors of your listing from 4pm to 7pm. This makes it convenient for perspective buyers and other agents to drop by on the way home. Don’t forget to mail out open house postcards from ReaMark so everyone can mark the date.

Showcase Local Food and Drink

Highlight your knowledge of local produce and food specialties. Pick up appetizers from popular restaurants and choose dishes that participants can eat easily as they walk around. If there’s a local deli that sells artisanal cheeses, that might make a great choice for your refreshment table.

Decorate With Seasonal Blooms

Blooming flowers and stately trees are always a strong selling point. If you can harvest roses, peonies, or other flowers from the property, they make great centerpieces and help buyers make a connection to the home.

Beautify Your Landscaping

Start by tidying your flower beds, trimming your bushes and trees, and mowing your lawn. Water plants and grass for a few days before the open house to keep it looking green and lush. Curb appeal matters, so use your realtor marketing prowess to suggest ways to spruce up the entryway. That may include planting some flowers or painting the door.

Remove Extra Furniture

Declutter your home, inside and outside. Stow away outdated, stained, or bulky furniture, decluttering each room except for the bare essentials. This will keep the home looking spacious and inviting. Consider hiring a professional stager if that isn’t your forte. Your clients will rely on you to give them great advice on furniture placement and accessories that will attract the eyes of potential buyers.

Enhance Outdoor Living Areas

From power washing your deck to investing in new outdoor furniture, there are many ways to enhance your outdoor living areas. During the summer, buyers are looking for backyards with pools and other amenities that make it easy to enjoy the warm weather. Adding a fire pit, water feature, or other attractions can help the property stand out, possibly resulting in a higher offer.

Host a Raffle or Use Digital Sign Ins

Collecting business cards and personal contact information is a great way to grow your distribution list for future real estate marketing. Raffles are a great way to collect names and addresses but you can streamline your lead generation with digital sign in sheets.

If you hold a raffle, include local activities, restaurants, and other amenities in your prizes. This is a great way to support local businesses and grow your brand.

‍Contact the team at ReaMark for help with promoting all your open houses this summer.

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