Tear Off Magnetic Calendars: The Best Value for Your Budget
When farming a neighborhood for potential listing and to elicit referrals, the right promotional tool is essential for your success. Tear-off magnetic calendars are a proven marketing tool that easily accommodates any real estate agent’s budget. The calendars stay on the home owner’s fridge all year, so prospects and existing clients see your name and business card every day.
Get Results with Tear-Off Magnetic Calendars
Tear-off magnetic calendars are a time-tested marketing tool for real estate agents that provide the most ROI for any size budget. ReaMark’s 2015 real estate calendars enable you to continuously solicit leads and new home listings throughout the year without any extra effort on your part. Choose from a wide variety of styles and designs to customize your magnetic calendars, including recipes, home tips, scenic views, and real estate calendar designs.
Every order of magnetic calendars includes free envelopes and ReaMark’s exclusive reinforced page design. Customize your calendar with your own business card and enjoy the confidence that your ReaMark real estate calendars for 2015 will last the entire year.

Why Purchase Calendars from ReaMark?
ReaMark has over 14 years of experience providing real estate agents with high quality, effective marketing tools. Our promotional tools are proven to be powerful, successful marketing tools for real estate agents looking to increase referrals and win potential listings.
We offer free custom designs provided by our professional in-house designers with every tear-off magnetic calendars order. Personal service is a core value at ReaMark. When ordering your magnetic calendars, you will speak to a live customer service representative who works with you to create a design that fits your needs and budget.
Get the real estate marketing tools you need to attract new leads, listings, and home sales today. Be the first Realtor in your neighborhood to deliver these valuable magnetic calendars. Order your real estate calendars for 2015 by December 1st and save up to 20% off your calendar magnets. View our selection of designs and options for tear-off magnet calendars.