The Real Estate News Letter in 2014: Get the Listings You Deserve
Increase business with newsletters designed for real estate agents and their clients.
The Market is Ready
The return of the real estate market is the signal our industry has been waiting for, and in the wake of such news there is a rush to get in front of as many buyers and sellers as possible.
But not every audience responds to the same media, and realtors must keep that in mind in order to get listings in 2014.
So what works best to attract qualified leads and turn them into clients?
Turns out, it’s the real estate news letter.
Why Choose Newsletters for Your Real Estate Clients
While it’s not a bad idea to have an arsenal of marketing tools at your disposal, realtor newsletters come with a unique set of benefits that make it plausible – financially and strategically – to get the listings you need.
- Cost-Efficiency: The cost of producing newsletters for real estate agents is usually cheaper than the cost of agents doing it themselves. (See how ReaMark does it for under $1 per newsletter.)
- Design Options: One design does not fit every audience. Multiple formats give you the flexibility to choose the right look for you and the clients you hope to win.
- Attractive Displays: Full-color printing gives content a professional look and helps your brand come across with a statement of quality.
- Content: Speaking of information, newsletters designed for real estate consumers should contain useful, timeless and non-geographic content, lest you limit the reach to consumers.
A real estate news letter associates your name with up-to-date news and trends, signaling that you are the face of the new market.
How have you used newsletters to win realty listings? Tell us your story!
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