What Every Realtor Should Know About Real Estate Calendars

Posted by Rick on Sep 19th, 2007

What Every Realtor Should Know About Real Estate Calendars 


Did you know that the average person owns 7 calendars? It’s true. The simple fact is that just about everybody needs to know the date. It is little commonalities like this, and holidays / seasonal changes that we all share. And you can use these little similarities to build relationships with prospects and keep in touch with existing clients. Real estate calendars fit this bill perfectly; because you are giving people something they need and will most likely hold onto for a whole year.

When you personalize your calendar magnets and send (or hand) them out, clients and prospects will view them as gifts. They will most likely keep your calendars with your contact info and post it on the fridge in the most trafficked room in the house; the kitchen. Your calendar will not only be viewed several times daily by family members, but also by any guests that happen into the kitchen. Also, your calendar magnets will take on the dual function of both a calendar, and a magnet to affix things to the fridge. It is very possible that your magnets will be kept even longer than a year, because they can still be used to stick coupons, notes, etc. to the fridge.

But the best thing about real estate calendars is that they are relatively inexpensive. You can purchase them for as low as 34 cents each here, and many styles mail for the 1-oz. rate. That’s 365 days of advertising for much less than a penny a day. Where else can you get that kind of impact for your marketing dollar? Calendar magnets are also great for giveaways at events such as open houses or as gifts in a Thanksgiving or holiday greeting card.

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