Do’s And Don’ts of an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

Posted by Reamark Marketing on May 8th, 2018

Many underestimate the positive impact a direct mail campaign can have on their business. With the increased popularity of paperless marketing methods and social media marketing, this is understandable. However, direct mail is still a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal if you approach it correctly. Read the following Do’s and Don’ts of direct mailing to use this old-school marketing method effectively.

Do Follow the 40/40/20 Rule

The 40/40/20 rule of marketing is still applicable even when it comes to direct mail. Your rate of return is dependent on three main factors. Some 40% is based on the effectiveness of your mailing list, 40% is based on the quality of your offer and 20% is based on the design, text and the overall look of your mailing.

Do Make Your Message And Imaging Clear

Make your message clear within your direct mail piece. Those in your farm who receive your direct mailer should instantly know what action you want them to take next. Also, use pictures or graphics that tie into real estate as this is your market. In other words, though the photo of a man fishing or a field with flowers might be pretty, it could also confuse your audience. Caveat being if your mailing is tied to a theme like Spring Top Local Places to Enjoy the Outdoors. For the most part, it’s wise to keep your message and your imagining clear and concise. Visit ReaMark for an example of some postcards that fit the bill. Speaking of design…

direct mail tips and advice

Do Spend Time on The Design of Your Mailers

In order to get a good rate of return from your direct mailing campaign, you have to create a well-designed mailer. Otherwise, your recipients will likely skim over your ad, not giving it more than a cursory glance. To prevent this, ensure you give plenty of attention to the design of your mailer. Create an eye-catching headline and bold colors to make your mailer stand out.

Don’t Underestimate The Power of a Proper Audience

Don’t blanket an area aimlessly as this is a great waste of money. Instead, use your resources to discover the most effective areas to target in your direct mail campaign. Many businesses make the mistake of focusing only on the material they send, which is important, but in so doing they neglect to properly identify their ideal audience. The end result is a wonderful piece of marketing material being put into the hands of people who won’t take action on it. If you don’t already have your ideal farm chosen, you can discover them through testing. Send out a small number of mailers and keep a close eye on the rate of returns from them. This allows you to tweak your intended audience until you have the ideal farm to target.

Don’t Exaggerate or Over Promise

Be sure you can back up anything promised in your mailer. If you say, “we will sell your home in three months,” make sure that’s a reality. Otherwise, tone down your promises. Your readers will see through overblown fluff and exaggerations, so make sure you can back up what you say.

Follow the above Do’s and Don’ts in order to construct an effective direct mail campaign. Visit ReaMark today for a full range of products to consider for your next direct mailers.

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