3 Reasons Your Competition is Using Holiday Greeting Cards to Strengthen Client Relations
In this technology-rich age, when everything seems to be about automation and electronic connections, a traditional holiday greeting card may seem a bit archaic and outdated. However, incorporating old-fashioned holiday greeting cards into your real estate business marketing plan can be quite effective.
Here are three reasons your competition is going old-school this holiday season, and you should, too.

Make Emotional Connections
Connecting with past and current customers from time to time helps you develop strong, lifelong relationships built on loyalty and mutual respect. The sales boost you get from referrals is just a bonus.
When you personalize 2019 greeting cards with a handwritten note, your mailer will trigger memories of positive experiences sure to bring a smile to your clients face. There’s just something about knowing that a company invested time (and money for printing, stamps, etc.) to send a personal note rather than go the modern route of email or text which only takes few seconds and is practically free.
And, research shows that the more comfortable a consumer feels with a brand, the more likely they are to form a bond with a brand. Stronger bonds mean repeat business and a satisfaction level that leads to more referrals and recommendations in person and on social media sites.
Prioritize Relationships
Most of us can send a text or email in our sleep – literally. About 10 percent of the population suffers from sleep texting disorder, a medically recognized condition associated with bedtime activities. Taking the time to add a handwritten note to a customized holiday greet card allows us to prioritize our business relationships. When you are only going to write a few words, you’ll want to think about the message before you start writing. Handwritten notes allow us to prioritize relationships by giving them the attention they deserve.
The time you invest creating a mailing list, and crafted personal notes is time and effort well-spent growing your business that will reward you with a healthy ROI in the future. Would you rather get an email inviting you to contact a brand if you need a product or service, or a handwritten note in a card that invites you to drop by to discuss your needs over a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a fresh-from-the-oven pumpkin spice cookie?
Generate Gratitude
While many real estate professionals send annual mailings to generate new business within their communities, others see the holiday greeting card season as a perfect opportunity to express their appreciation and gratitude for existing clients.
The cards you send to your clientele speak volumes. They provide hints about your work ethic, the quality of your relationships and even how you run your business. When you express genuine gratitude for your customers, not only do your clients feel valued, you experience all the warm-fuzzy feelings that naturally flow between friends. Expressing gratitude also elevates your own mood, attitude and self-worth. Expressing your thankfulness for support and loyalty is a win-win.
Technology has a place in real estate marketing plans. But, when it comes to holiday greeting cards, a personal touch trumps convenience every time. Contact Reamark for help designing holiday greeting cards, promotional calendars, door hangers and memo boards.