Start Your 2021 Real Estate Marketing Planning Now

Who’s ready for a do-over from 2020? We know we are. Follow our tips below to wrap up your marketing plans for the new year.
Even if you generate leads online and carefully plan out email and social media campaigns, nothing has the personal touch of a promotional tool that your prospective clients can hold in their hands. Follow our suggestions below or contact us for great ideas on how to promote your real estate services.
What Kind of Content Works With Real Estate Direct Mail?
At ReaMark, we get this question a lot. So, we have put together suggestions for each month of the year. Use these suggestions and browse through our postcards, calendars, newsletters, and door hangers to create a unique marketing package for your mailing list. Unlike emails, direct mail pieces are received, read and often appreciated by current and future customers.
Recipes, home improvement tips and updates on your recent listings and sales all provide valuable information that keeps you in the minds of your clients.
We suggest sending 1-2 postcards a month, including holiday wishes, special events and fun facts.
Neighborhood marketing tools such as door hangers and postcards remind residents in your farm area that real estate sales are still robust. You can customize door hangers with information about recent transactions.
Sweet Valentine’s Day postcards featuring chocolate, hearts and flowers help lovers young and old get in the mood for cupid’s big day. Customize the message on the back with your photo, contact information and tips for dining out in local restaurants.
Fun postcards to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and Easter help you connect with your client base and remind them that spring is a great time to sell or buy. Don’t forget to order your first quarterly newsletter!
Check our What’s New category frequently for fun ideas and our latest products. Spring is a great time to send out a schedule for local sports teams. Promote your brand and show your community spirit.
Summer is coming! Home cleaning and improvement tips help homeowners prepare their homes for sale and put you top of mind when they need an experienced real estate agent. Put your door hangers in bags in preparation for seasonal showers.
Economize with discounted newsletters that inform your clients of local real estate trends and showcase your sales and listings.
Choose from dozens of patriotic designs on July 4th postcards that connect you to the country’s biggest national holiday.
Summer is a busy time in real estate. Don’t forget to order postcards that highlight just sold/just listed properties and scoop up fall listings early.
Remind clients to set their clocks for the fall time change in October. Now is a great time to put together your quarterly newsletter.
Wrap up your year-end sales with a big marketing push. Now is a great time for recipe postcards prospective home buyers and sellers can use for the holidays.
Order wall calendars and magnetic calendars that help your clients plan for the coming year.
Customize your marketing with greeting cards for the holidays. We offer “Happy Holidays” cards appropriate for every faith.
Need more ideas? Contact us today for help boosting business at any time of the year.