Now Is The Time To Order Your ReaMark Real Estate Marketing Calendars

Posted by Rick on Aug 19th, 2021

Fall is just around the corner. Soon, the crisp autumn air will mark the start of a new season and students will settle into the school year. Some homeowners and prospective buyers now have more time to devote to their real estate goals. So, now is the ideal time to send out calendars for the new school year or 2022. Remember that some lead time is required to place your order, making this the ideal time to select your style and message.

Calendars Make Effective Real Estate Direct Marketing Pieces

Would you like to end the year with higher sales? Then, it’s crucial to get ahead of your real estate calendar marketing. Learn about the different styles available and choose the ones that best meet the needs of your business. Here’s what one realtor had to say about ReaMark calendars:

“I have been a loyal customer since 2010 and I can truly say that I get most of my business from sending your Recipe Magnetic Tear-Off Calendars in October and then staying in touch by complimenting them with regular mailings of ReaMark Recipe Postcards. My business is built on referrals and my clients perceive my cards and calendars as free gifts.- “Phyllis Vollrath, Vollrath Realty – Brandon, Florida

Types of ReaMark Calendars to Choose From

Magnetic calendars stick to refrigerators, filing cabinets, and metal desk frames. They provide a useful tool for your clients and keep your contact information handy year-round. You can select house-shaped, rectangular, or custom designs in a variety of styles. Tear-off magnetic calendars come with recipes, tips, or scenic views. Also, home and business owners are likely to glance at calendar realtor marketing often, keeping you top of mind when they decide to buy or sell in your farm area.

Save on shipping with jumbo postcards with a magnetic strip or go traditional with stapled wall calendars featuring recipes or seasonal pictures. Themes include black history and patriotic styles as well as health tips, motivational themes, and scenes from across America. Need help selecting fun styles for your real estate marketing? Our staff is happy to lend a few pointers based on our extensive industry experience.

Choose from school calendars to help busy parents stay organized. Alternatively, you can send out sports schedules for basketball, football, and other local sports franchises. Die-hard fans will never miss a game and these marketing calendars help them associate your service with teams they love.

Whatever style you choose, calendars are an effective form of real estate direct mail marketing.

Calendar Realtor Marketing Benefits and Tips

Now is the time to order. Here are just a few benefits and tips to keep in mind for your calendar realtor marketing plans:

  • Beat the end-of-year rush and avoid delays in getting your message out.
  • Help busy parents keep track of school service days and holidays.
  • Include your contact information and website to make it easy for clients to reach you.
  • Give prospective clients a useful gift that creates goodwill.
  • Use calendars to highlight your services or help homeowners get their property ready for sale.

Sending more than one calendar type and style gives prospects an easy way to share your information with family and friends. They can also keep one at the office and one at home, resulting in additional exposure for you!

Contact ReaMark today for more information on calendar realtor marketing ideas. We would be happy to suggest ways to combine calendars with other real estates direct mail marketing such as postcards and holiday newsletters to keep your name in front of clients. Get your order in now to help increase your sales for the year!

How to Turn Your Solds into More Leads & Prospects This Year & Next

Posted by Rick on Jul 27th, 2021

Your successful sales are the most powerful marketing tool you have. Are you incorporating them into your real estate direct mail marketing? As an entrepreneurial business person knows, the art of follow-up results in references and leads that can expand your customer base.

As a realtor, you know that you have to create your own opportunities by investing in impactful advertising and marketing. Staying in touch with your clients can result in repeat business, as well as new business. Additionally, when done correctly, it delights rather than annoys your clients. Use ReaMark postcards to showcase your expertise and gain your customers’ trust and confidence.

Postcards that Keep You Front of Mind With Clients and Prospects

Everyone likes to feel appreciated. So, your first contact with a client after helping them sell or find a home should be Heartfelt Thank You & Congratulations Cards. When clients do refer customers to you, you can stay in touch and express your gratitude with a Thank you for your referral card.

Customize your message or go with our messaging suggestion for each design you choose. Here’s a sample of a great referral thank you message:

“Client referrals are the foundation of my business, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your loyalty. Thank you for your trust and confidence in my services.”

We are happy to help you formulate your own message customized for your personal brand.

Just sold in your area postcards give you the option of including between one and 10 photos of homes you have sold in the neighborhood. This shows your expertise in the real estate market in their backyard and helps you localize your real estate direct mail marketing. ReaMark also offers full-service Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) to help you reach every home in the zip code.

Sending home tips postcards to recent buyers allows you to stay in touch with past and future clients while providing valuable information. Plus, the better your clients maintain their property, the easier it will be for you to sell it for them down the road. These cards include the following themes and more:

  • Staging tips
  • Curb appeal ideas
  • Landscaping
  • Gardening
  • Seasonal maintenance

If you want to become a part of your client’s life story, be there for the important events. You can do this unobtrusively by sending Happy Home anniversary postcards and holiday greeting cards also available through our real estate marketing products.

Use Your Success Stories

Use your success stories in your real estate marketing to add authenticity and attract new buyers and sellers who’d want to work with a seasoned pro. When you want someone to trust you, offering proof of your success could give you the opportunity to find them a new home or sell their existing one (or both!)

Also, postcards give your clients an opportunity to provide your information to a friend or a family member looking for a realtor. Your realtor marketing makes it easy for your happy customers to become brand ambassadors for your services.

Here’s the Deal

Buy 5 designs and get the next one free or buy 10 designs and get three free! Contact ReaMark today for your real estate direct mail marketing needs.

6 Summer Real Estate Marketing Postcard Ideas

Posted by Rick on Jul 20th, 2021

It’s easy for potential buyers and sellers to become distracted over the summer holidays. That’s why it’s important to help get them back on track with effective real estate marketing such as postcard campaigns.

Like many other marketing efforts, repetition is the key to improving your conversion rate. In fact, Realtor marketing through direct mail becomes incredibly effective after the fourth or fifth touch. So, keep the channels of communication open and target specific geographic locations with ReaMark postcards.

6 Types of Real Estate Marketing Postcards  

After you’ve sent out July 4th cards, you still have plenty of other options for your summer real estate marketing campaigns. To get the creative juices flowing, here are some recommendations from the marketing pros at ReaMark:

  1. Get Listings Cards: Neighborhood marketing cards can nudge sellers into getting their homes ready for sale. You can also use these cards to publish recent sales in the area. Reminding them that this is a sellers’ market can help you get more listings.
  2. Just Sold Cards: Choose from predesigned stock postcards for fast turnaround or customized designs that allow you to add up to 10 photos showcasing your most recent sales.
  3. BBQ Recipe Cards: From BBQ pork sliders to BBQ chicken pizza, we have dozens of recipe cards that your prospective clients will collect and use.
  4. Buy/Sell To-do lists: Reminding homeowners or buyers what to do to reach their real estate goals can motivate them to commit to the process, with your help.
  5. Fall Home Checklist: Nobody likes to think about the end of summer. However, you can motivate your clients with a fall home checklist that’s likely to remain on the fridge for the next couple of months. (It may even get passed on to neighbors and friends who are also homeowners or prospective buyers!)
  6. Fall Time Change Postcards: This important customer service reminder may have longevity on an office bulletin board or desktop.

  7. Calculate Home Value: Setting the right price can help homeowners get a great price for their property without waiting weeks or months for a sale. Use the message on the back of the card to showcase your experience and skill in this area. This is one of the most effective real estate direct mail marketing strategies because it actually relates to what you can do for them.

What Makes a Great Real Estate Marketing Postcard?

Real estate postcards should add value and areas that interest potential buyers and sellers. Most importantly, your message should include a clear call to action to motivate prospective clients to begin the buying or selling process with you.

Why Choose ReaMark?

If you require assistance with your real estate direct mail marketing, ReaMark professionals have your back. We can provide full EDDM service to help you cover lucrative neighborhoods in your farm areas. In addition, here’s a deal (we hope) you can’t resist to wrap up your midsummer marketing campaign.


Contact us today for pointers on how to kick off your realtor marketing campaign.

Marketing Advice to Real Estate Professionals from ReaMark’s President

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Mar 20th, 2019

Hello I’m Richard Brown, President of ReaMark. I have been in direct marketing for over 30 years with the last 18 years helping real estate professionals like you, to substantially increase their listings, sales, and ultimately, their income.

There has never been a better time to improve your business by using a consistent strategy to contact anyone who knows you and can refer clients. All signs are pointing to a steady rise in the real estate business since interest rates are at record lows. In addition, home inventory  is still low so listings are being sold quickly and for top dollar.

Each year I take hundreds of calls from realtors. The same question comes up time and time again, “Rick, what works best? How can I make more money?”

So, last week I sat down, got away from the kids, and really thought about all of the success stories, trials and errors that realtors have told me during the past two years.

  • With all being equal why are some realtors more successful than others?
  • What does actually work?
  • What makes top agent?
  • How can my business survive when I have less money to spend because I am making less money?

One fact that kept coming up is that my business only makes money if the programs we recommend to you makes YOU money. To that end, I came up with a few things you should be doing if you are serious about increasing your yearly income.

Four Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2019

Reach Out to Past Clients

You MUST reach out to your Past Client contact list at least every month. Over 50% of your business should come from referrals. If you are not mailing to this specific contact list you are losing money. Your Past Client contact list should includes your colleagues, past buyers and sellers, friends and family. The larger the list, the more successful you will be. You really need to sit down and put this lists into a workable database.

Utilize Postcards to Market Yourself

Announce your success! Since referrals are the largest part of your business and you want to build up your contact list, these are the second most effective tool at your disposal. You should mail the entire neighborhood and also your current contact list. Our Just Listed/ Just Sold, Market Updates and Open House postcards are a great way to showcase the strength of your business. If your budget is limited, these could be part of your planned monthly marketing, but for maximum results, you should be doing these mailings in addition to the ones you send out to your Current Contacts.

real estate marketing strategies

Track Your Results

The beauty of direct marketing is that is affordable and track able. If you have 400 contacts, you could be mailing them twelve times per year for as little as 47 cents each or $188 per month. One sale and you’ve paid for the entire year!

Become Known as the Specialist of Your Farm

A business with no prospects will die. You need a reliable, consistent source of leads. Since most consumers perceive all real estate professionals to be pretty much the same you must find ways to differentiate yourself. I get calls every day from past customers offering thanks for orders placed two years ago. These agents and brokers tell me they now get 50% plus of all listings in their neighborhood because of our marketing materials!

Walk your neighborhood twice per year, create compelling online content, submit articles to local publications, and/or advertise in neighborhood newspapers, send out newsletters and be the one to consistently educate your community on the local real estate market.

I feel great about sharing these strategies with you for a very simple reason: if we can help you become more successful in your business then ReaMark will be more successful in our business. Call one of our Marketing Specialists today at 1-800-932-2957 and we will work with you to create a real estate marketing plan to help you meet your budgets and sales goals!

I hope this letter has been helpful, confirmed the efforts you are already making or inspired you to call us. If I can help, please don’t hesitate to call me directly.


Richard J. Brown

Photo credit: by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

How To Combine Direct Mail With Email for Real Estate Marketing

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Mar 11th, 2019

Traditional mail and email may seem like opposites, but in the real estate world, they go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can use these tools to target different audiences, build authority, nurture leads or reinforce your current message, so there’s no lack of strategic outreach options. Here are some reasons realtors love combining traditional mail and email.

How Realtors Can Use Direct Mail and Email Together

The Value of Direct Marketing in the Digital Age

Think you’ll win the most hearts by enabling your farms’ addictions to email and social media? These marketing channels have notoriously low response rates, so you’ll need to work extra hard if you restrict yourself to digital opportunities.

Direct marketing statistics for 2018 and 2019 seem to reinforce this concept. Only about 1 percent of people respond to emails, social media and paid search, but 9 percent will reach out to brands that send them mailers, such as sports schedules or postcards. Even if you catch someone’s attention via email, your time in the spotlight is fleeting — About 78 percent of inbox marketing gets diverted to spam folders or deleted instead of being read.

Understanding Outreach Response Behaviors

The persistence of direct mail may have something to do with neuroscience. Research by Canada Post Corporation used eye-tracking and electroencephalography, or EEG testing, to survey people’s brain responses to promotional media. They determined that direct mail was associated with lower cognitive loading, or the amount of mental effort needed to understand the material. They also found that it was more persuasive and likely to drive behavior than emails were.

While some digital ads leave deeper impressions than others, they’re generally not as good at keeping people engaged for the long haul. Direct mail takes less time for people’s brains to process, so they may be more willing to interact with the brands it promotes.

using direct mail email together real estate marketing

How Direct Mail Makes up for Email’s Flaws

Data from 2017 suggested that combined outreach approaches drove success rates 35 percent higher than what might be expected from direct mail or email alone. There may be a few reasons for this trend, including the fact that you’re reinforcing the message by giving people the chance to view it from numerous angles.

Other research showed that people were more likely to spend when businesses used both tools together — Patrons sunk about 25 percent more money into these companies. More pressing for realtors, 75 percent of one study’s subjects could remember brands after seeing direct mail as compared to only 44 percent for email.

People also said that they felt like they were being treated with increased regard when receiving physical mail. Such sentiments could prove key to establishing respectful, profitable relationships with consumers. Even if email blitzes are faster routes to certain customers, they don’t always send the right messages.

Implement a Hybrid Approach

Neither direct mails nor emails can solve all of your marketing problems. There’s no anticipating which of your ads a potential client might be staring at the instant your branding clicks with them, so cover all of your bases.

Emails and direct mail serve distinct purposes, so be discerning about which branding objectives you use them to achieve. For instance, Every Door Direct Mail, or EDDM, postcards capture the attention of entire neighborhoods economically, and you can follow up with those who respond via email. Mailers like branded sports schedules and market updates get people to associate your name with useful information, but emails may be helpful for those doing their own in-depth market research.

Quality marketing materials are the keys to a perfect real estate advertising approach. Unify your digital and physical marketing campaigns by talking to a Reamark expert today.

7 Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Make 2019 The Year of Growth

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Feb 11th, 2019

What is your 2019 real estate marketing plan? What methods will you use to ensure this is a year of growth? Gaining more referrals? Building name recognition with customized dry erase memo boards mailed to your farm quarterly? Sponsoring a charity event in your neighborhoods? These are all excellent marketing ideas.

Did you know . . .

Fifty percent of home-buyers surveyed for the 2018 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers report found their home on the internet.

With half of all completed sales originating on the web, your best marketing strategy must include building a strong digital footprint. Here’s how to get started.

Get to Know Your Local Market

NAR found that the average seller in 2017 earned just under $100,000, had lived in their home for 9 years and was 55 years of age. If you don’t already know how this compares to residents in your area, find out. Invest in data analytics — this helps you fine tune your marketing campaigns with an understanding of who your audience is and which product type and locations to promote.

Create an Impressive Digital Footprint

Building a website and business Facebook page is rarely enough to put your agency at the top of an organic search. Use professional grade images and videos to showcase your listings. Make sure your brand is well-represented on social media and local business listings. Your name should be everywhere and in different formats so people doing a search can easily discover who you are when searching for local inventory and investment properties.

2019 real estate marketing plan ideas

Connect With Regional Businesses

Prioritize building relationships with HR teams throughout your community. Ask for help getting the word out to new hires about rental properties you manage. You may even offer a discount or other incentive. Many HR managers are willing to send a monthly email to employees announcing new listings, give you a guest spotlight in their company newsletter or provide copies of your newsletter. Slowly building these relationships improves referral rates

Earn Referrals

Most people would rather work with people they know — or that a friend or neighbor recommends. Roughly six percent of people buy a home based on a recommendation from someone they trust. Gain trust by focusing on service delivery, solving problems and asking for a personal testimony from satisfied customers.

Be Flexible

One successful real estate investor agent recommends you “try everything you can afford,” but realize that what generates high traffic today may not work tomorrow. While you are optimizing SEO web content for mobile viewing and posting high-quality virtual property tours on YouTube and your company website, remember that nothing beats pounding the pavement. Knock on doors, keep a stack of business cards or personalized refrigerator magnets in your briefcase, car and backpack. Introduce yourself to people in the doctor’s waiting area, and when standing in line at the grocery store. The key to creating a growth strategy that works is measuring everything. Keep what works. And, be willing to let go of old ways of thinking that are draining your energy and the budget without producing any real return on investment.

Leverage People Power

Building relationships is vital. The best growth strategies always include organic marketing, the kind that relies on building a network of clients, prospects and colleagues. Reach out to brokers, attorneys, contractors, inspectors, appraisers; — anyone with a vested interest in seeing your agency succeed. In keeping with the digital focus, invite these professionals to become guest bloggers, and offer to return the favor. A strong network amplifies your online presence and your net worth.

Get on a First Name Basis With Every Client

Whether you’re looking to grow a property management revenue stream, attract single-family home sellers or connect with investors interested in commercial properties in your area, invest the time to build a database of property owners. Start by scouring public records to ensure your marketing efforts fit the criteria of your prospects. When you know every potential seller by name, you are well positioned to close more deals and garner organic referrals.

This is the perfect time to rethink your 2019 marketing strategy. Be authentic and stay true to yourself, but make a lot of noise on social media channels, knock on doors, build relationships.

ReaMark can help. If you need help designing a postcard, door hangers or dry erase memo boards, simply contact a customer service rep day. Alternately, request a physical catalog by mail or browse over 2000 products on our website.

Photo by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash

How To Set Goals for a Real Estate Direct Mail Campaign

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Dec 18th, 2018

Postcards are among the real estate world’s best-beloved marketing tools, and it’s easy to see why. These high-impact visual attention-grabbers let agents strike up conversations that personalize advertising and make it less obtrusive. To keep your marketing dialogue heading in the right direction, however, you’ll need to plan an effective, goal-oriented postcard marketing campaign.

What makes an outreach push worthwhile? How should you pick your postcard advertising objectives? It all depends on the agent and market in question, but that doesn’t mean you have to gamble on random chance. Follow these goal-setting tips to empower your next campaign’s success.

Set Direct Mail Objectives That Hold You Accountable

While it’s fine to start by declaring that you want to increase your sales or contact more clients, you need to back those goals up with actual numbers. This is the only way to keep yourself honest and evaluate your campaign’s performance critically.

Helping Your Marketing Team Stay on Point

Defining your goals around objective standards is also essential if you work with others. If your marketing team members or partner agents have clear, numerical targets, such as increasing weekly callbacks by ten or sustaining a specific number of monthly website visitors, they’ll most likely demonstrate enhanced focus.

Being specific may prove critical to laying the groundwork for a successful campaign. Vague objectives only make life harder for everyone involved.


real estate postcard mailing campaign

Define Your Direct Mail Audience Before Reaching Out

Always know who you’re targeting with postcards. For instance, if you’re trying to open up a new farm area by making inroads into a competitor’s territory, you should do demographic research first. If you’re selling homes in a luxury development, then you might not want to reach out to quite as many first-time buyers.

Be Considerate of Your Potential Conversation Partners
Real estate postcards are great because they let you initiate contact, but don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s a one-way discussion. The most rewarding interactions occur when agents take the time to understand the people they’re speaking with beforehand. Whether this means using census data or chatting with neighborhood locals and recent buyers to get a feel for their concerns, increasing your knowledge does wonders.

Experiment With Contrasting Approaches
Not every campaign succeeds with every potential client, but that shouldn’t surprise you. Everyone is different, so their responses to the same marketing materials will be accordingly diverse.

It’s your responsibility to adjust the way you address people. Once you’ve completed your demographic research, experiment with reframing your message in various ways to accommodate distinct audiences. For example, a well-to-do couple might appreciate a postcard with a funny image or popular meme more than a nervous first-time homebuyer would.

Choose a Tone That Strengthens Your Message

Even though postcard marketing often serves as an introduction, focusing on who you are shouldn’t be the primary goal. Your personality will come through in your choice of language, so concentrate on selling the dreams that you know you can help clients attain.

Consumers lead busy, hectic lives, so do them a favor by making it easier to evaluate your work. For instance, instead of writing a generic blurb that reveals how many homes you’ve sold, differentiate your services: Mention that you’ve made moving fun for dozens of families or share how you’ve already connected with potential buyers who might be interested in a given area. Including a subtle value proposition is far more convincing than merely boasting about your stats.

Work Incrementally for Sustainable Returns

Since postcards are easy to customize, take this opportunity to break your audience into subgroups and segments. Target each with different variations to hone your outreach practices. Only once you’ve played the field for a while should you finalize your tactics and start marketing en masse.

In some cases, maintaining separate campaigns for different areas and populations is the best strategy for minimizing outreach expenditures. For instance, bilingual agents might promote themselves in varied ways to accommodate unique cultural nuances.

Make Your Direct Mail Visually Distinctive

Finally, remember that people have plenty of other things to look at besides your marketing materials. No matter what your personal tastes are, your postcard’s general aesthetic must appeal to a broad audience and look good in a variety of settings. Do some opposition research, and then partner with a design team that can help you create something fresh enough to land crucial first impressions.

Real estate postcard campaigns enjoy enhanced success when agents take advantage of well-oiled marketing machines. Plant the seeds that help you farm more effectively by discussing your campaign goals with a Reamark specialist.

Photo by Chris Kristiansen on Unsplash

8 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Establish Name Recognition

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Dec 3rd, 2018

Name recognition is important for real estate professionals. Your name is part of your brand. Building a recognizable brand creates trust within your community. How can agents build name recognition that eventually generates sales and commissions?

First, realize that networking, marketing and name recognition all work together. Done properly, using this triad ensures people know who they can trust when it is time to buy or sell real estate.

Here are eight ways real estate agents can establish name recognition in their communities.

1. Become the go-to person for your chartered local association of REALTORS®. If you don’t have a local chapter, take the lead toward forming one.

2. Stock up on pocket-sized business cards, refrigerator magnets or pens. Never miss an opportunity to introduce yourself, and hand out your contact information.

3. Get caught volunteering. Images in the local paper of you ladling soup at the local shelter, or handing out water during the charity 5K, go a long way toward building your brand – without investing marketing dollars. Since the giving season is just around the corner, this might be a good time to designate your office as a drop-off point for  a Toys-for-Tots drive, or host a giving tree in your lobby.

4. Offer to write a guest blog for local builders, lenders and other industry connections.

name recognition brand awareness

5. Give something away. Marketing expert Jay Baer explains in his book, Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype,

“if you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life.”

This concept is why items like customized memo boards and recipe calendars are so popular. Update your print and online content that adds value with no strings attached. Think real-time weather and traffic updates added to your website or social media channels. Print media updates might include names and contact numbers for city officials.

6. Speaking of providing value, make sure your social media posts aren’t all about the priced-right-two-story-home in the perfect neighborhood. Share content that teaches people ways to make their life happier, easier or more convenient.

7. On social media, share-worthy contests and quizzes are a great way to expand your brand. Host a photo contest where viewers vote, or maybe create a quiz that tests followers’ home buying knowledge.

8. Build relationships with local and regional influencers. You know who these people are. When they talk, everyone listens. Look for online and on-the-ground community members. Remember, you want to form long-term relationships that complement each other, no one wants to always be on the giving end.

Building name recognition is all about making an emotional connection with your community. ReaMark customer service agents can help you explore customized promotional material that seamlessly complements your marketing and networking strategies.

How Real Estate Agents Can Use Direct Mail to Farm for Leads

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Oct 23rd, 2018

Real estate agents are constantly looking for new ways to farm for new leads. While word of mouth, signage and networking are effective ways to build a base of potential customers, nothing beats effective direct mail strategies as a way to keep the pipeline of buyers and sellers fresh.

Why Use Direct Mail to Farm for Leads?

Direct mail is a proven approach that has been used for decades. Even in the digital era, receiving valuable information in the mail, along with some advertising for those needing real estate services, creates an impression that can linger for those who receive the materials.

Consistent and persistent direct mail strategies also help to drive insights and information about where your best customers are, how they respond to different appeals or products, and how to better reach them. By fine-tuning your messages and products that are a part of your direct mail outreach, you can better use your marketing dollars to reach the best customers.

What’s more, direct mail helps build awareness about you, your agency and your services. Very few of us buy on first glance. Over time, as we begin to develop an understanding of a product, service or brand, we gain a deeper understanding of how a particular provider can best serve our needs. Direct mail is a great way to help create that long-term awareness.

direct mail farming for leads realtors

How Does Direct Mail Help Get Your Message Out?

Direct mail is only as effective as the strategy behind it. You need to identify the direct mail pieces, add-ons, and frequency that work best for your region and client base. When creating your direct mail marketing campaign, here are some things to consider:

  • Message – What are you trying to convey? Options can include your experience, your areas of expertise, knowledge of local markets, reputation. If you offer quick closings, serve a niche market or live in the community, you may want to focus your message on those particular attributes. Similarly, don’t try to cover too much at once. Instead, make sure people know what you’re offering, who you are and how to contact you.
  • Length and Frequency – How long will your direct mail campaign run? You want to keep your message consistent and deliver it several times, but you also want to be sure you hit people enough times that the message sticks.
  • Response Rates Understanding – Typical response rates for your real estate direct marketing campaign is important. The first direct mail piece may have a very low response rate but patience is a virtue. The more awareness you provide, the more likely you are to get calls or responses to your follow-up efforts.

What Are Good Real Estate Direct Marketing Ideas?

At Reamark, we offer a full range of products to make your direct marketing campaign more effective. Whether it’s full-color postcards, real estate newsletters or calendars, we offer prompt turnaround to get you products you need. We offer online and print catalogs with thousands of products and titles to keep your message fresh and eye-catching. To learn more about how Reamark can help with your marketing needs, contact us for a free catalog!

Connect with Your Farm Using Holiday Greeting Cards

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Sep 25th, 2018

Everyone enjoys getting mail, but during the holiday season, every letter gets a bit more attention. From a real estate agent’s point of view, then, this is the key time to begin networking and building your reach. We will show you how easy it is to perform real estate farming using direct mail; specifically with holiday themed materials.

How to Use Holiday Greeting Cards to Reach Your Farm

Holiday greeting cards are by far one of the most effective brand-building tools real estate agents have during the season. This is the ideal goodwill gesture your firm can make. And, it is a proven marketing tool. From the end of November through the first week of January, you have a prime opportunity to distribute holiday cards to your community.

Why Does This Direct Mail Opportunity Matter?

During the holidays, people are more respectful to interacting with those they know. They are also more likely to open the mail they get each day, wondering who is sending them something and thinking of them during the holidays. Real estate agents will find this is a simple way to communicate several messages:

Season’s Greetings
For many agents, sending a holiday card is just good form. Business etiquette would encourage you to send a card during this time of the year to show respect to your previous clients. A simple, formal greeting card can communicate that you are thinking of them.

Saying Thanks
Holiday cards are also the ideal way to say thank you to your clients. This is especially important for those who closed a deal with you this year. Sending a special message of gratitude at Thanksgiving shows your client you appreciate them.

A Friendly, Family-like Charm
Depending on the specific card selected, you may be able to use this direct mailing campaign to show your previous and prospective clients that you see them as part of the family. You, and your organization, is there for them. A helpful Time Change reminder card says,”we’re looking out for you.”

Personally Connect with the Community
Through the use of holiday greeting cards, it is possible for real estate agents to connect within the community. Create a personalized message to those in a prime neighborhood. Connect with old clients who may be back in the market. Show existing clients how much you value them, so they can help encourage others to work with you.

direct mail holiday greeting cards

While holiday greeting cards are a straightforward direct mail campaign, you may wish to send specific clients a new calendar for the upcoming year or a special magnet with your contact information on it. These types of gifts can help to solidify your organization’s name and branding message for years to come. More so, it helps you to build a community-first image your would-be home buyers and sellers can appreciate and remember when they need your services.

Reamark offers several options including pre-printed and personalized greeting cards. Be sure to check our special savings area. We have many holiday themed materials in our clearance section.

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