EDDM vs. Mailing Lists

Posted by Rick on Oct 25th, 2021

Whether you are new to realtor marketing or just farming a new neighborhood, real estate direct mail is a powerful way to reach prospective clients. If you haven’t had time to build your own database of customers, you may wonder where to start.

Two of the main sources for lead generation include the USPS Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service or buying a mailing list from a reputable mail list company. Consider the following pros and cons for each of these options.

EDDM Real Estate Marketing

When you use Every Door Direct Mail, you can skip the hassle and the expense of buying a mailing list. The mailer goes to every address in a specified route or zip code. Unfortunately, you cannot provide instructions to exclude businesses and other non-residential addresses. However, the US Post Office does deliver your postcards, newsletters, and other realtors direct mail marketing pieces to every home. This is a great way to save money when you want to saturate a neighborhood.

EDDM Benefits

  • Save money.
  • Include oversized postcards and flyers.
  • Target an entire zip code or just a postal route.
  • Pay one discounted flat rate.
  • Create a campaign online in less than 10 minutes.
  • Save a trip to the post office.

This is ideal for brokers and agents targeting geocentric audiences. Limitations include the inability to personalize the mail. EDDM delivers these pieces to “Local Postal Customer.” You cannot refine your list, so your greeting cards, recipe cards, and other real estate direct mail pieces hit every mailbox. Envelope mail is not an option for the service.

Mailing Lists for Real Estate Direct Mail

For in-house database or purchased mailing lists, sending your home maintenance tips and Just sold/Just listed postcards direct mail let you personalize your content. When you want to engage in a highly targeted realtor marketing campaign, this is the best option.

Mailing List Benefits

  • Allows you to target who will receive the direct mail.
  • Mail letters, flyers, and other mail requiring an envelope.
  • Outsource delivery service to your in-house database or purchased list of prospects.
  • Enables you to target very specific demographics.
  • Potentially provides a higher response rate because of its targeted nature.

Although mailing lists have many advantages over EDDM, they do not guarantee you a higher rate of return. Customized real estate marketing also tends to cost more than EDDM. Keep in mind that some people don’t like to see their personalized information on unsolicited marketing pieces.

Which One Should You Choose?

That depends on what you want to accomplish. With EDDM, you can get your name out quickly and reach every resident in the zip code. If you already have a curated database of prospects or have purchased a mailing list, direct mail is the way to go, even though it costs more without the EDDM discount.

ReaMark can help you choose the right postcards, newsletters, calendars and other real estates direct mail marketing pieces. We can also mail them out to your potential clients as a value-added service. Contact us today for more realtor market tips and strategies or to order postcards, newsletters, and other real estate direct mail pieces.

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