Using Sports Calendars for Great Real Estate Marketing
Great real estate marketing comes in many shapes and sizes, and one of those shapes is our magnetic sports calendars. It’s so easy for your clients to just stick the magnet to the refrigerator and look at it whenever they want to know their local team’s schedule. It’s also easy for those clients — and potential future clients — to be reminded of the company or agent that sent them the magnet.
Your name and information will be right there were they can see it every time they check the schedule for their favorite team. If you want potential clients to remember you, getting your name in front of them and keeping it there is a crucial part of your marketing efforts. Our customized sports magnets can help, and they stick right on the fridge easily so potential clients in your farm area can always have their magnet and its schedule information available.

Local Sports Schedules Can Get You Noticed
With our magnetic sports calendars, you can have your name on the fridges of people all over your local area, and they won’t mind a bit because they’ll be able to see what their favorite sports teams are doing. When they need to buy or sell a house, though, they’ll remember you and they’ll have an easy way to contact you. By staying top of mind, you build trust with your prospects, so they won’t have to look for a real estate agent when the time comes.
It’s a great way to give potential clients something they want and will value, while also marketing to them in a way that doesn’t feel pushy or intrusive. Some of the people who get your magnets may be ready to buy or sell a home. Others won’t be, but that’s all right. Eventually they may have need for a real estate agent. If they don’t, there are plenty of friends and family members they can mention you to, as well. They’ll remember your name more easily when it’s on their fridge all the time.
It’s Easy to Customize Your Sports Schedule Magnets
Customizing football and other sports magnets for your farm area is easy with everything we can offer. You can create a schedule for a local high school team, or offer magnets that are more focused on the professional teams in the area. Your market research will tell you what clients in the area are really looking for, so you can use that information to create sports schedule magnets that improve your marketing abilities. You can get different sizes of schedules, and choose from football, baseball, NASCAR, and hockey. With all the options, it’s easy to find the one that works for the clients you’re trying to reach.