Real Estate Door Hangers: How & Why They Work

Posted by Rick on May 1st, 2013

We at ReaMark believe that it’s of the utmost importance to really set yourself apart from other realtors, especially now. A real estate door hanger is the optimal real estate marketing tool that can’t be missed, and it doesn’t require you to pay for postage! Real Estate Door Hangers are an economical and effective way to market in your neighborhood. Our door hangers come in full-color with 30 different styles to choose from or free personal design. These door hangers are guaranteed to get noticed by your clients and prospects as they come home.


We’ve tried a lot of different methods to get new business and, as a result, have found what works and what doesn’t. If you have the option of finding something that works, why not try it and at least see if it fits for you? Having had success with door hangers means that we want to pass that on to others and let them in on a solution.


The features of our Real Estate Door Hangers are as follows:

  • Large size: 4” x 11”
  • Order as few as 200 quantity, mix and match styles in quantities of 100
  • Die cut slits to hold your business card
  • Hang as is, insert in door hanger bags or tear off perforated top and mail out in a standard #10 business envelope
  • Ships next business day
  • Prices as low as $0.12 each


We at ReaMark just want to help in making the listing process that much easier. Let us do the work so that you can reap the rewards of using our marketing materials.


Want more information or to see for yourself why our door hangers just work? Visit our website and view 8 new Real Estate Door Hanger styles at:


A Note From ReaMark’s President

Posted by Rick on Apr 24th, 2012

Dear Fellow Real Estate Professional,

Hello I’m Richard Brown, president of ReaMark. I have been in direct marketing for over 25 years with the last 12 years helping Real Estate Professionals, just like you, substantially increase their listings, sales and ultimately their income.

Times are tough in today’s ever changing real estate market. However, all signs point to a slow but steady rise in our business. Affordability is at an all time high while interest rates are at record lows.

Each year I personally take hundreds of calls and the same questions keep popping up time and time again. “Rick, what works best? How can I make more money?”

So last week I sat down, got away from the kids, and really thought about all of the success stories, trials and errors that Realtors have told me during the past two years. With all being equal why are some realtors more successful than others? What does actually work? What has been proven time and time to be the Golden Truths of success? What makes a top agent? How can my business survive when I have less money to spend because I am making less money?

One glaring fact is that my business only makes money if the programs we recommend make you money. And I came up with the four things you should be doing if you are serious about increasing your annual income.

1. You MUST contact your past clients contact list at least every month.

Over 50% of your business should come from referrals. If you are not mailing your contact list then you are losing money. You contact list should includes anyone who knows you, your friends and your family. The larger the list the more successful you will be. You really need to sit down and put this list into a workable database.

2. Mail Just Listed/ Just Sold / Market Updates and Open House Postcards.

Announce your success. Since referrals are the largest part of your business and you want to build up your contact list, these are the second most effective tools at your disposal. You should mail the entire neighborhood and also your current contact list. If your budget is strained these could be part of your planned monthly budget but for better results you should be doing these mailings in addition to your regular contact list.

3. Track your results over time.
The beauty of direct marketing is that is affordable and trackable. If you have 400 contacts then you could be mailing them 12 times per year for as little as 47 cents each or $188 per month. One sale and you pay for the entire year of marketing!

4.Become known as a specialist of your farm.

A business with no prospects will die. You need a reliable consistent source of leads. Since most consumers perceive all real estate professionals to be pretty much the same, you must find ways to differentiate yourself. I get calls everyday from customers thanking me two years later telling me that they now get 50% or more of all listings in their neighborhood. Walk your neighborhood twice per year, create and submit articles and or advertise in the neighborhood newsletters and finally educate them on community activities including the local real estate market.



I feel great about sharing these strategies with you for a very simple reason; if I can help you become more successful in your business than ReaMark will be more successful in our business. 

I hope this article has been helpful and has confirmed what you are doing or has inspired you to call us for help. If I can help please don’t hesitate to call me directly.

Best Regards,

Richard J. Brown



4 Ways to Build Your Business Using Real Estate Marketing Tools

Posted by Rick on Feb 6th, 2008

4 Ways to Build Your Business Using Real Estate Marketing Tools

1. Using Direct Mail such as real estate postcards and/or real estate newsletters to advertise your services is the most cost-effective offline way to increase your listings and sales. Regularly mailing postcards or newsletters increases your familiarity, establishes your credibility and continually keeps your info in front of potential clients until they are ready to buy or sell. Experts recommend at least 8 mailings a year and found that 12 monthly mailings a year showed improved results. Remember that just 1 sale will more than likely cover a whole years worth of direct mail costs.

2. Almost just as important as sending out monthly postcards is sending out Just Listed Postcards and Just Sold Postcards. By sending these to the surrounding neighbors of your listing, you let them know that you’re active in their neighborhood. Also, sending them to past clients reminds them that you are still in the real estate business and getting results. You can also substitute a Just Listed/Just Sold Postcard as one of your monthly mailings.

3. Real Estate Calendars provide you with a great return for your marketing dollar. Your clients and prospects will keep them (usually on their refrigerator) for at least a year and sometimes longer. Also, the kitchen is the most trafficked room in the house, so your magnet will get a prime advertising locale.

4. While canvassing your farm neighborhoods, leave Door Hangers on the doors of those who aren’t home. It is recommended that you canvas your farm a minimum of at least twice a year, and doing it more often can only help your business. By using Door Hangers, you leave your information behind, they are guaranteed to get noticed, and it won’t cost you a dime in postage.

For any more ideas on how you can improve your business by using real estate marketing tools , please call us at (800) 932-2957 or visit our website at

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How to Farm Successfully

Posted by Rick on Dec 17th, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How to Farm Successfully

Once you have established an ongoing consistent mailing to your personal list then you have to have means to build that list through farming and prospecting. Over two thirds of all top performers use a territorial or geographic farm. 

Going back to the formula of direct marketing success, the most important aspect is the list you select. So choosing your farm should be based upon the following:

1)      Look for an area with and higher than a 8% turnover rate

2)      Make sure that there is not a dominate realtor or real estate company with more than 75% of the listings. 


You should again be in contact with each household at least 8 times per year. Again you can utilize these key dates listed above and if possible you should try to walk your farm (Deliver calendars, free gifts, etc) twice per year.

Other ideas could include:

a)      Advertising in the neighborhood newsletter. (If you do not have one develop one and get key local businesses to offset all or the majority of cost.

b)      Advertise the neighborhood activates such as: firework locations, school dates, neighborhood history facts, home market updates, free flag or pumpkin giveaways, charity events, etc. 

These are just some of the more common characteristics of successful agents, for more ideas please contact ReaMark Real Estate Marketing Tools and we will help you develop and customize a personal marketing plan to fit your budget, lifestyle and goals. (800) 932-2957

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How to Develop Your Mailing List

Posted by Rick on Dec 8th, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How to Develop Your Mailing List 

The overriding key to success is to develop a personal list of people to become your referral base. This list should include anyone who knows you including past clients, friends, neighbors, school teachers, old business acquaintances, your kids friends parents, your fellow church members, etc. Again anyone who knows you and could act as a referral. Your list may start off small, as few as 100 people, you goal is to develop this list and grow it to its maximum size. Most successful realtors have at least 400 or more people on this list.

Once you have developed your personal list you should be in contact with these people at least once a month before spending any money on farming and prospecting. These contacts should include the following:

1)      Mail monthly at least one of the following marketing communication pieces: a postcard, newsletter, greeting card, or a calendar.

2)      You should always mail your personal list all Just Listed and Just Sold properties that you are involved in. Announce your success and you will be sure to get referrals.     

3)      You should mention somewhere on most pieces that you rely on referrals and that their referrals are greatly appreciated.

By using real estate marketing tools regularly, you can keep your services in front of clients and prospects for when they’re ready to buy or sell.

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How Direct Mail Works

Posted by Rick on Oct 25th, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Tools | How Direct Mail Works

What is Similar About Almost All Top-Producing Realtors? 

They utilize direct mail to build their business. Just ask the top producers around the office, and they will let you know they use postcards, newsletters, and/or calendars to keep in touch with past clients and find new business. This is no secret, and you too can use direct mail to get more listings and sales.

Marketing is Crucial to Your Success.

Like most companies, your business is dependant on one aspect – earning customers. The fact is that no matter how great you are at buying or selling homes, you aren’t going to get somebody’s business if they aren’t aware you exist.

By marketing your services, you are telling people that you are the person to call when it comes to Real Estate. And ReaMark’s marketing products are the key to getting your name in front of potential clients to start building your business.

About 62% of Sellers Use the First Realtor They Contact.

Your #1 objective is to be that Realtor. When you send your past clients and prospects real estate marketing tools like postcards, newsletters, and calendars, you put your services right in front of them so they’ll know who to call when they are ready to sell or buy.

Real Estate Marketing Tools | When Relationships and Referrals Aren’t Enough

Posted by Rick on Sep 4th, 2007

Fact: Market fluctuations are faced by all real estate professionals
Fact: An average of 20% of your customers will generate 80% of all income
Fact: 62% of all Sellers choose the 1st Realtor they speak to
Fact: Only 12% of Sellers use an Agent they’ve used in the past
Fact: Virtually all Top Producing Realtors utilize real estate marketing tools such as postcards, newsletters, and calendars as one of their main methods to get more listings and sales.

Did you know that for the most part, most people think “All Realtors are pretty much the same”? With all of these facts, and if people really think that all Realtors are the same, what can you do to differentiate yourself and become a top producer?

At ReaMark, we receive over 100,000 calls per year and have a customer base of over 30,000 Real Estate Professionals, so we know what works and what doesn’t work. The first common rule amongst top producers is:


This means you’ve got to prospect for new clients as well as maintain your current client base. Successful Realtors get over 70% of their new business from referrals. Wow! But how can that be if it is a fact that only 12% of sellers will use the same Realtor they’ve used before? The answer is simple, successful Realtors have a higher percentage of repeat customers and referrals than the average agent.

One Last Fact:
Sending real estate marketing tools like real estate postcards, real estate newsletters and real estate calendars is the most cost-effective offline way to reach new and existing clients.

You are easily able to connect with your target neighborhood regularly and track the results for a fraction of the cost and time it takes to market in other mediums. On average, about 8% of all people in residential neighborhoods move every year. If there is not a dominant Realtor or agency selling in that area, you can hope to capture up to 10% of those listings in a given neighborhood by the end of the 1st year, 10%-20% in the 2nd year, 15%-25% during the 3rd year, and 30%+ after that.

By using real estate marketing tools to contact your target neighborhood on a monthly basis, you can become that area’s dominant Realtor. This is no secret to Top Producing Agents; they know that direct mail works.

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