Build 2020 Real Estate Marketing Momentum with a Strong Fall 2019

Posted by Marketing on Oct 17th, 2019

What’s the best way to ensure you get a rolling start into your 2020 real estate marketing plan? It is to build momentum here at the end of 2019. While some of your competitors may be cruising through the fourth quarter you can get a head start on the new decade building a new wave of leads and prospects that will result in more sales. The team of professionals at ReaMark is here to help you finish the year strong and build a plan to ensure success for your 2020 real estate marketing budget!

Build 2020 Real Estate Marketing Momentum with a Strong Fall 2019

Start with a helpful reminder of the upcoming time-change with our “fall-back” postcards. We have over 60 styles of our attention-getting fall time-change postcards. These are sure to be a conversation starter and a welcome reminder for those who receive them.

Our holiday and greeting cards are a friendly way to send seasons greetings and build name recognition in a target area. Our line-up of greeting cards includes options for both Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. Choose from personalized or non-personalized cards. Do you want something totally unique? We can customize greeting cards specifically just for you and your real estate business. At ReaMark we provide free design and free proofs and you can order them in an amount as little as 250 cards! For the budget-minded, check out our line-up of clearance greeting cards with discounts up to 55% and cards starting as little as 19 cents apiece!

Now is also the time to plan to be one of the first-in-home calendars for your prospects and clients. Our calendars provide extraordinary value, staying on desks, in wallets, and on refrigerators for month after month. ReaMark offers our clients a wide range of calendar options that include magnetic calendars, wall calendars, jumbo calendars, UV card and even school and sports schedule calendars. Ask us how many of our clients have built their businesses largely through the use of these valuable calendars.

Another popular way to build your brand and business is to take advantage of the popularity of cooking shows by sending out holiday recipe cards. These cards are not only frequently kept but often shared with family and friends. This extends your real estate marketing budget even further.

While building that momentum in the fourth quarter, now is also the time to plan your marketing for the first quarter and throughout 2020. We can help create a plan that will fuel your business to new levels in the new year.

Contact ReaMark today. Now is the time to ensure your successful 2020 by getting a rolling start throughout the 4th quarter of 2019.

A Real Estate Marketing Concept That Keeps on Giving: Holiday Recipe Postcards

Posted by Marketing on Oct 15th, 2019

Are you looking for a boost to your fourth-quarter real estate marketing efforts? Are you in search of something that has a high return on investment? A marketing idea that people will share and has a long shelf life? If so, holiday recipe postcards may just be the perfect solution to boost lead generation in your target market.

Holiday Recipe Postcards

There are multiple reasons holiday recipe postcards are so effective.

  • They Get Directly into Potential Prospects Hands. Unlike digital marketing, holiday recipe postcards are tangible. When a recipe postcard is retrieved from a mailbox, it has substance and will stand out from the crowd.
  • Postcards Can Be Targeted. You choose the area you wish to target for your marketing postcards. Maybe it is a farm you have worked before or an entirely new area. You decide on the precise area(s) you want to develop.
  • Recipes are Popular. People love cooking and trying new recipes. This is evidenced by the number of cooking shows and celebrity chefs on television. You can associate yourself with this popular trend through holiday recipe postcards.
  • They are Timely. You will be reaching your target market right when they will be looking for recipe ideas for the holidays. This adds value and a sense of timeliness to your marketing efforts.  
  • They have a Long Shelf Life. Your branded holiday recipe postcards will likely not only last through this holiday season but may be kept for years. 
  • There is a Good Chance Recipes Will Be Shared. People love to share recipes. This means there’s a good chance your sponsored recipes will be shared with friends and family members, stretching the value of your postcards even further! 
  • You Can Customize Your Cards. You can choose from a selection of designs, recipes, and standard or personalized messages. Our design team will help create an effective design and marketing messages for you, even providing proofs at no charge. 

For almost two decades ReaMark has been providing a variety of valuable marketing and promotional materials created specifically for real estate professionals.  Our products have been proven to be effective by agents and brokers from throughout the country. Our products can even be used to help promote your digital marketing efforts, listing your social media and webpage addresses.  Are you prepared to finish 2019 strong and build momentum for the new year? Let us help with a range of holiday recipe postcards from ReaMark. They are the marketing choice for real estate pros that keeps on giving! We look forward to assisting you. 

Five 2020 Wall Calendar Themes For Real Estate Professionals

Posted by Marketing on Sep 12th, 2019

Promotional wall calendars are popular marketing choices for real estate professionals. When considering a promotional calendar for your farm, remember that the best wall calendar is the one that people will actually use – you won’t get any attention from your marketing material if it ends up in the trash or stashed in a drawer out of sight.

Five 2020 wall calendars

Choose a calendar that is attractive, has room for writing notes or penciling in appointments and showcases special occasions in the calendar blocks or in a separate listing on the inside front cover.

Themed calendars are very popular among our real estate clients. With Reamark, you get all three features, plus myriad stock sizes and styles to complement your business and engage your community.

 If you haven’t nailed down a 2020 theme, here are five possible choices for your consideration.

1. Inspiring Dreams

Professional artwork or photography adds to the attractiveness of any wall calendar. The Sun, Sand & Surf wall calendar has 12 stunning photographs of beach scenes sure to please almost everyone who looks forward to the annual getaway.  (If you’re wondering whether beach scenes appeal to a large segment of your farm, there’s this:  six of the top ten 2019 summer destination vacation spots for property management company Vascasa customers were ocean-side communities in California, Oregon, Florida and Louisiana.)

2. Marking Special Events

Publishing schedules to school concerts, ball games and UIL competitions with a customizable school calendar is one way to simplify life for parents. Our Recipes wall calendar is a wonderful way to encourage special family meal times that will create lasting memories. Enjoy twelve mouth watering recipes, one for each month, for main courses, side dishes and desserts. Bon Appétit!

3. Sharing Home Decor Tips

There are certain things every homeowner should be doing to keep their home in peak condition – routine carpet cleaning, inspecting rain gutters and downspouts, checking windows for leaks and gaps. A calendar with trending home decor and design layouts may motivate your clients to rearrange the furniture (and give their rooms a top-to-bottom cleaning while they’re at it) for a fresh, new look.

4. Planting Gardening Ideas

Gardening enthusiasts devote time year round to planning their seasonal gardens. What better gift to give your customers than tips and tricks for growing an indoor herb garden, caring for fruit bearing trees and companion planting to keep nuance insects away from your vegetables?

5. Showcasing Architecture

Architecture is such a fascinating topic. A twelve-month customized calendar gives Realtors the perfect opportunity to highlight the architectural diversity in a certain region. A spiral-bound Homes wall calendar provides 12 samples of home types seen around the country.

Adding stapled wall calendars for 2020 to your promotional marketing list is a cost-effective way to start the conversation with homeowners looking to sell and buyers looking for a new home. You’ll have your brand details “hanging around” businesses and homes for the entire year.

Need help designing your calendars, business cards and postcards? Simply reach out to a Reamark representative today, and we will walk you through the process.

Calendars Keep Your Name in Front of Clients All Year Round

Posted by Marketing on Sep 6th, 2019

Giving out promotional calendars is a great way to remind your real estate clients that you are available to help them when they are ready to buy or sell a home. Calendars are exceptionally effective as promotional items because people look at them every day, all year round. When you give people attractive calendars that match their interests, they will be glad to display them in their homes or offices.

Calendars Keep Your Name

Find Calendars That Meet Your Needs

When you have many types of calenders to choose from, you can find the ones that best meet your needs. The ReaMark company offers a variety of attractive calendars that fit into your promotional budget and appeal to the types of customers you want to reach. When you order from ReaMark, your promotional calendars will be as individual as you are. No matter what style you choose, you will enjoy the advantages that come with increased name recognition in your community.

Wall Calendars

Printed calendars are hugely popular. Eighty percent of homes have them, with an average of three calendars per home. ReaMark offers 18 styles of stapled wall calendars and six styles of spiral wall calendars, including calendars featuring recipes, health tips, animals, regional photos, gardening, and inspiration.

Magnetic Tear-Off Calendars

With ReaMark magnetic calendars, you can have your contact information printed right on the magnet. These convenient calendars feature a choice of recipes, scenic views, home tips, or real estate themes. Each month’s page tears off and has useful information printed on both the front and the back. To further personalize your calendars, you get a choice of covers.

Jumbo Postcard Calendars

Our jumbo postcard calendars have a strong magnet attached to the back so people can easily put them on their refrigerators where they will see them often. They come with free envelopes and UV coating. These 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ calendars come in a wide variety of styles, include “Dates to Remember,” beautiful photographs, and custom postcard calendars made with any image you supply.

Promotional calendars are highly effective sales tools for real estate agents, but only if they are attractive and high quality. ReaMark specializes in making the best promotional items for the real estate industry. Your customers will love our beautiful and useful calendars and will be happy to place them where they will see them often. After seeing your name and picture every day, It’s only natural that they will think of you when they need a local real estate professional. This is an easy way to help establish your reputation as a neighborhood expert. 

We invite you to see our quality for yourself. Call us at 1-800-932-2957, and we would be glad to send you a catalog and samples. You can also see our products on our website

3 Reasons Your Competition is Using Holiday Greeting Cards to Strengthen Client Relations

Posted by Marketing on Aug 29th, 2019

In this technology-rich age, when everything seems to be about automation and electronic connections, a traditional holiday greeting card may seem a bit archaic and outdated. However, incorporating old-fashioned holiday greeting cards into your real estate business marketing plan can be quite effective.

Here are three reasons your competition is going old-school this holiday season, and you should, too.

Using Holiday Greeting Cards

Make Emotional Connections

Connecting with past and current customers from time to time helps you develop strong, lifelong relationships built on loyalty and mutual respect. The sales boost you get from referrals is just a bonus.

When you personalize 2019 greeting cards with a handwritten note, your mailer will trigger memories of positive experiences sure to bring a smile to your clients face. There’s just something about knowing that a company invested time (and money for printing, stamps, etc.) to send a personal note rather than go the modern route of email or text which only takes few seconds and is practically free.

And, research shows that the more comfortable a consumer feels with a brand, the more likely they are to form a bond with a brand. Stronger bonds mean repeat business and a satisfaction level that leads to more referrals and recommendations in person and on social media sites.

Prioritize Relationships

Most of us can send a text or email in our sleep – literally. About 10 percent of the population suffers from sleep texting disorder, a medically recognized condition associated with bedtime activities. Taking the time to add a handwritten note to a customized holiday greet card allows us to prioritize our business relationships. When you are only going to write a few words, you’ll want to think about the message before you start writing. Handwritten notes allow us to prioritize relationships by giving them the attention they deserve.

The time you invest creating a mailing list, and crafted personal notes is time and effort well-spent growing your business that will reward you with a healthy ROI in the future. Would you rather get an email inviting you to contact a brand if you need a product or service, or a handwritten note in a card that invites you to drop by to discuss your needs over a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a fresh-from-the-oven pumpkin spice cookie?

Generate Gratitude

While many real estate professionals send annual mailings to generate new business within their communities, others see the holiday greeting card season as a perfect opportunity to express their appreciation and gratitude for existing clients.

The cards you send to your clientele speak volumes. They provide hints about your work ethic, the quality of your relationships and even how you run your business. When you express genuine gratitude for your customers, not only do your clients feel valued, you experience all the warm-fuzzy feelings that naturally flow between friends. Expressing gratitude also elevates your own mood, attitude and self-worth.  Expressing your thankfulness for support and loyalty is a win-win.

Technology has a place in real estate marketing plans. But, when it comes to holiday greeting cards, a personal touch trumps convenience every time. Contact Reamark for help designing holiday greeting cards, promotional calendars, door hangers and memo boards.

Home Tips Calendars That Your Real Estate Clients Will Love

Posted by Marketing on Aug 21st, 2019

If you are a real estate agent or broker, you need ways to make your name known to homeowners in your community.  Calendars that display your name, picture, and contact info are great for ensuring you will be on the top of homeowners’ minds all year round. When the calendars also offer useful information, such as home tips, they will be referred to even more. The right type of home tips calendar is one of the most cost-effective and useful tools that real estate agents can use.

Home Tips Calendars

People Love Home Tips

Homeowners can always use new tips on how to successfully complete projects such as making over a room. When you give away home tips calendars, homeowners are more likely to want them, to actually use them, and to look at them often. The home tips peel-n-stick classic cover magnet calender made by ReaMark offers intriguing home tips that homeowners appreciate. Every time they look at their calendar, they will see your business card. Think of how many times per year they will be glancing at your name and logo. This is publicity that is priceless.

Free Envelopes Make It Easy for You to Send Out Your Personalized Calendars

When you order 2-in-1 magnetic calendars from ReaMark, you get free envelopes that make it convenient for you to reach out to your potential customers. You don’t have to wait for people to come to your office.  On the outside of each envelope is an inscription saying “A special gift for you!” That builds anticipation when people see it. The ReaMark company specializes in real estate marketing products, and they know how to help real estate agents and brokers increase their name recognition in an efficient and pleasant way. 

Everyone Needs Calendars

Calendars are popular promotional items because they are so useful. The home tips calendar from ReaMark is compact and attractive. Your potential customers can use it at home or at work. They can put it on the wall or on a desk. The front side of each month features a large calendar, a detail from a photo, and teaser information about that month’s home tip. On the back is an easy-to-read full description of the tip along with the full photo. The pages are printed on glossy, high-quality paper. People will be proud to display these attractive and useful calendars in their homes or work spaces.

Home tips calendars are an economical and powerful way to spread your name and contact information throughout your community.  ReaMark’s high-quality calendars are designed exclusively for the real estate community. Check out our full line of promotional products for real estate professionals on our website, or call us at (800) 932-2957 for a free catalog and samples. 

Using Sports Calendars for Great Real Estate Marketing

Posted by Marketing on Jul 23rd, 2019

Great real estate marketing comes in many shapes and sizes, and one of those shapes is our magnetic sports calendars. It’s so easy for your clients to just stick the magnet to the refrigerator and look at it whenever they want to know their local team’s schedule. It’s also easy for those clients — and potential future clients — to be reminded of the company or agent that sent them the magnet.

Your name and information will be right there were they can see it every time they check the schedule for their favorite team. If you want potential clients to remember you, getting your name in front of them and keeping it there is a crucial part of your marketing efforts. Our customized sports magnets can help, and they stick right on the fridge easily so potential clients in your farm area can always have their magnet and its schedule information available.


Local Sports Schedules Can Get You Noticed

With our magnetic sports calendars, you can have your name on the fridges of people all over your local area, and they won’t mind a bit because they’ll be able to see what their favorite sports teams are doing. When they need to buy or sell a house, though, they’ll remember you and they’ll have an easy way to contact you. By staying top of mind, you build trust with your prospects, so they won’t have to look for a real estate agent when the time comes.

It’s a great way to give potential clients something they want and will value, while also marketing to them in a way that doesn’t feel pushy or intrusive. Some of the people who get your magnets may be ready to buy or sell a home. Others won’t be, but that’s all right. Eventually they may have need for a real estate agent. If they don’t, there are plenty of friends and family members they can mention you to, as well. They’ll remember your name more easily when it’s on their fridge all the time.

It’s Easy to Customize Your Sports Schedule Magnets

Customizing football and other sports magnets for your farm area is easy with everything we can offer. You can create a schedule for a local high school team, or offer magnets that are more focused on the professional teams in the area. Your market research will tell you what clients in the area are really looking for, so you can use that information to create sports schedule magnets that improve your marketing abilities. You can get different sizes of schedules, and choose from football, baseball, NASCAR, and hockey. With all the options, it’s easy to find the one that works for the clients you’re trying to reach.

Create a Real Estate “Lead Machine” With Fall Recipe Postcards

Posted by Marketing on Jul 16th, 2019

We may be in the dog days of summer right now, but believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about your fall marketing strategy! There are a lot of ways to reach out to would-be clients, and a consistent recipe postcard mailing schedule is one way to keep your future clients looking forward to checking the mail. This type of reliable strategy not only gives them something of value, but it also gets your real estate business in front of your target market once a month.

Our fall recipes are a great way to reach customers and give them something they’ll be interested in while getting your name and other information in front of them. Our flexible order sizes make it easy to order the number of homes on your farm, so you can reach out to potential clients easily and efficiently. With more than 250 product choices, you’ll also have the option to get just the right look for the postcards you’re sending out.

Real Estate Lead Machine
This fall, reach all of the homes in your farm with our recipe postcards.

Getting Seen is Easier Than You Think

Even if someone isn’t ready to buy or sell a house right now, they’ll keep the postcard you send them because of our delicious-looking recipes with beautiful pictures and easy to find ingredients. They might try that recipe out with family and friends, who will ask where they got it from. With our postcards, you have the power to reach a lot of potential buyers and sellers, along with their friend groups and extended family units, simply by giving them something new they can try out in their kitchen. Depending on your local market, you may want to send out something rich and decadent or choose a healthier option. There are always choices to try out.

Consider the Great Recipes We Have to Offer

A lot of real estate agents send recipe cards all year round as part of their marketing strategy, rather than just sending one-off recipes here and there. We can help you do that, and we offer a “buy 5 designs get one free” or “buy 10 designs get two free” postcard kit for your convenience, as well. Choose from plenty of great recipes, like spicy grilled corn for your clients to enjoy at their backyard barbecue, or tomato basil bisque for those cozy, chilly fall evenings. The thoughtful nature of our recipe postcards can turn a simple piece of cardstock into something clients will remember about you for a long time.

Build Trust by Offering a Free Home Evaluation

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Jun 30th, 2019

When you’re trying to establish a foothold in a neighborhood, it’s time to get creative. Two of the best real estate marketing tools are door hangers and jumbo cards. Not convinced? It’s all in the message. One of the most effective ways to get people to trust you — and give you their business — is to show them what you know. Include your best success stories, a little bit about your background and offer them a free home evaluation.

Offering Home Evaluations

Using a Free Home Evaluation in Your Real Estate Marketing

On your real estate marketing pieces, be sure to explain to prospective clients that a home evaluation by a qualified real estate professional gives them a free estimate of their home value. Gathering this information may help them decide whether it’s a good time to sell. Even if clients aren’t ready to sell their home, conducting a home evaluation literally gets your foot in the door and gives you contact information so that you can follow up. A percentage of those who take you up on the offer have probably been thinking about selling and just need a little nudge to get the ball rolling.

Tips for Conducting the Home Evaluation

1. Sellers want to get the most money they can when they let go of their largest asset: their home. To help them figure out what a competitive price is, do a quick walkthrough of the home, asking questions as you go along. You may want to prepare a survey of things to look for and questions to ask so the walkthrough goes smoothly. Do your homework beforehand so that you can demonstrate your expertise in the neighborhood and market by discussing trends.

2. Don’t provide an estimate right away, but do follow up quickly. Take this opportunity to send them a Comparative Market Analysis from the MLS or comparable report. The more information and contact points you create, the better the homeowners will develop a trusted partnership with you and ultimately, hire you. Be sure to leave additional marketing materials, so they have some to pass out to friends and neighbors who are ready to sell or get a free home evaluation.

3. There’s a great deal of inaccurate and incomplete data on the internet when it comes to home values. Sell the homeowners on the authenticity of information coming straight from the MLS and recent sales for comparable properties. Home values on the internet sites often rely on incomplete information from tax records, listing data, and best guesses. Show them the resources a local real estate agent brings to the table in terms of timely information and connections to buyers.

4. By conducting a house evaluation, you’re helping the prospective seller take a step forward, hopefully toward a decision to sell. By giving them valuable information, you’re creating goodwill and establishing trust. If the valuation is lower than the seller expected, it might take a little longer for them to make a decision. Add value as their trusted partner by providing tips on how to increase the value of their home with repairs, landscaping, upgrades, or home staging. Our Home Tips postcards are a great way to do this at scale if you have a list of prospects that needs to be nurtured.

What to Include in the Home Valuation Packet

Remind homeowners that they need a real estate agent to get an accurate home evaluation based on real sales from the MLS. Highlight these important services that only a licensed agent can provide:

  • Develop a market report that includes recently sold houses resembling the seller’s home
  • Send details and photos of the homes with the listed price and final sales price
  • Interpret the current market for homes in the same price range and neighborhood

Include one or two brief examples or quotes from satisfied customers to maximize your marketing and target potential sellers.

What is your favorite way to provide value in a home valuation? Let us know in the comments.

How to Use Door Hangers to Get Real Estate Leads

Posted by Reamark Marketing on Jun 14th, 2019

Real estate success is all about building a reputation and getting referrals. You know that great customer service and results keep your clients happy and help you build relationships for life. But even after you’ve done the legwork to build your portfolio, there are times when you need to expand and rebuild your base.

The best way to find new clients is through marketing and advertising, but ads and shipping can really add up and make you wonder if it’s worthwhile. An alternative to direct mail campaigns is to use real estate door hangers to represent your business and let prospective buyers and sellers know that you can help.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of door hangers and what you can print on them to get the most bang for your buck.

Benefits of Door Hangers

Real estate door hangers relay information about your company and help you establish name recognition in a neighborhood. They are also very effective in connecting with homeowners who’ve been thinking about selling their home but need a little nudge. Here are some of the other benefits of door hangers:

What to Include on Door Hangers

Your message should be very targeted for the greatest success and include a call-to-action. High-quality photography is also a way to boost your response rate and present a professional appearance. With eye-catching door hangers for real estate, you’re likely to get calls from clients you’ve never meet. Here are a few  tips for getting the best response with great content:

  • Highlight properties that have recently sold in the neighborhood. Include the sale price and pertinent details, such as how many days ago it sold or if it sold before it hit the market. If you’ve recently sold a home in the area, definitely include that, but you can frame any sale attractively to entice homeowners into selling.
  • Offer a free home valuation clients can sign up for on your website. Then, include a trackable link which lets you capture their email address for easy follow-up.
  • Offer tips on home repair, getting a home ready to sell and related topics. You can direct readers to your website to sign up for a free “Complete Home Selling Guide” or add them to a Home Maintenance Postcard campaign through direct mail.  The goal is to create as many contact points as possible so that recipients remember you well enough to call you first when they’re ready to buy or sell.
  • If you live in a rainy area, door hanger bags ensure that your advertisement stays clean and dry.

ReaMark has added over 10 new door hangers to increase your leads listing and sales! Our marketing and design professional can help you create a beautiful piece to be proud of. We also offer Quick Ship Door hanger designs as low as 18 cents each that ship out the next day for FAST results. 

What was the best door hanger marketing you’ve ever seen? Or the worst?? Share your stories in the comments below!

Door hangers for real estate

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