Real Estate Postcard Ideas: Your Neighborhood

Posted by Rick on Mar 4th, 2014

Agents that live in the neighborhoods where they sell the majority of homes have a unique marketing opportunity – promoting their first-hand knowledge of area properties.

Our Neighborhood real estate postcards are designed with this mind.

Each real estate postcard using the Our Neighborhood theme offers specific messaging to communicate the realtor’s familiarity with property values in the area.

It’s the perfect idea for realtors looking to capitalize on local marketing.

Our Neighborhood Real Estate Postcard

Reach out to neighbors with this idea for realtor postcards.

When to Send a Real Estate Postcard to Neighbors

If a real estate prospecting plan is in place, then postcards can be integrated within the existing schedule.

Another good realtor postcard idea to increase listings is to set a repetition mailing. That is, make it a consistent effort to mail postcards to the same neighbors every month, or every other month, etc.

A small portion of the people who receive a real estate post card will need services now, but a larger portion of that audience will need services down the road.

Sending a real estate postcard showing familiarity with the neighborhood on a consistent basis will help agents stay at the front of customers’ minds.

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The 2014 New Realtor Guide to Postcard Prospecting Strategies

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The Viral Effect of Custom Notepads

Posted by Rick on Feb 28th, 2014

When you think of viral advertising, you probably think of Facebook memes or YouTube videos.

Here in the printing world, we have our own version of viral, and it comes in the form of customized notepads.

Realtor Note Pads with Custom Features

Create more sales opportunities with custom realtor notepads.

The custom notepad offers real estate agents a level of exposure that is easily repeatable, even as often as a day-to-day basis.

While this face time with potential clients is truly valuable, it’s the chance to connect with others that deepens the impact of custom notepads.

As the original notepad recipient scribbles a reminder, attaches it to a document, and sends it along, they help the agent’s personal information reach new audiences.

This effect multiplies as more people receive a customized real estate notepad.

The icing on the cake: notepads are perceived as useful to the client.

Where to Bring Customized Notepads

Do you have upcoming golf outings, trade shows, or fundraising events? Are you a sponsor at a conference or seminar? These are perfect opportunities to extend your reach with custom real estate notepads from the only company that does them!

The Real Estate News Letter in 2014: Get the Listings You Deserve

Posted by Rick on Feb 18th, 2014

Get Real Estate Listings with Newsletters

Increase business with newsletters designed for real estate agents and their clients. 

The Market is Ready

The return of the real estate market is the signal our industry has been waiting for, and in the wake of such news there is a rush to get in front of as many buyers and sellers as possible.

But not every audience responds to the same media, and realtors must keep that in mind in order to get listings in 2014.

So what works best to attract qualified leads and turn them into clients?

Turns out, it’s the real estate news letter.

Why Choose Newsletters for Your Real Estate Clients

While it’s not a bad idea to have an arsenal of marketing tools at your disposal, realtor newsletters come with a unique set of benefits that make it plausible – financially and strategically – to get the listings you need.

  • Cost-Efficiency: The cost of producing newsletters for real estate agents is usually cheaper than the cost of agents doing it themselves. (See how ReaMark does it for under $1 per newsletter.)
  • Design Options: One design does not fit every audience. Multiple formats give you the flexibility to choose the right look for you and the clients you hope to win.
  • Attractive Displays: Full-color printing gives content a professional look and helps your brand come across with a statement of quality.
  • Content: Speaking of information, newsletters designed for real estate consumers should contain useful, timeless and non-geographic content, lest you limit the reach to consumers.

A real estate news letter associates your name with up-to-date news and trends, signaling that you are the face of the new market.

How have you used newsletters to win realty listings? Tell us your story!

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The Real Estate Marketing is Returning: What Should I Be Doing?

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Springing into Action: Real Estate Postcard Opportunities

Posted by Rick on Feb 10th, 2014

Looking for real estate postcards ideas? Think Daylight Saving Time.

Daylight Savings Postcards Good Idea for Realtors

Get ahead this spring with real estate postcards that serve a valuable reminder.

Prospecting with real estate postcards is a year-round marketing strategy, and the first big opportunity comes with the spring time change on Sunday, March 9, 2014.

Why Sending Realtor Postcards for DST is a Good Idea

Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been in practice in the United States for nearly a century, so you’d think that when it comes to changing our clocks we would be on autopilot to fall back and spring ahead.

But according to a national survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports, 27 percent of people have been an hour early or an hour late because they failed to change the clocks correctly.

This tells us that reminding clients of the spring time change with a real estate postcard mailing is a great idea for those who are prospecting.

Not only does a spring time change postcard provide a valuable reminder to clients; it also helps keep agents’ information in front of potential buyers and sellers.

Order Now for Timely Delivery

Realtors that want to take advantage of this mailing strategy should place real estate postcard orders now.

This will ensure enough time to print and ship your postcards (or send them through mailing services).

Looking for additional real estate postcards ideas for your mailings? Check out our 2014 prospecting guide for key dates to send your realtor post cards.

Developing Quality Lists for Real Estate Mailer Marketing

Posted by Rick on Feb 4th, 2014


Thinking of putting together a real estate mailer, i.e. a marketing newsletter, postcard or calendar?

Just like targeting the right buyers is important for selling a home, getting your contact list in order is essential for attracting the most qualified leads.

In fact, 50 percent of successful real estate mailing campaigns can be attributed to a well-researched, well-developed list.

Here’s how agents can prepare their mailing lists for big-time real estate marketing.

Real Estate Marketing Tips for Mailing Lists

  • Get Personal – Lists that include friends and family who know and trust you will deliver a return on investment that is 10 times greater than lists based on prospecting. Whenever you send a real estate mailer, make sure these people are included.
  • Know the Neighbors – If you decide to farm a neighborhood, be sure to select one with 7 percent or higher turn over (7 in every 100 homes sold per year).
  • Do Your Research – When farming, be sure to pull which agents listed homes sold in the past year, or drive around and look at the signs. If an agent has more than 75 percent of the listings, then select another area. Otherwise, if a few agents sell consistently in the neighborhood, consider it prime for farming.
  • Take Notes – When you are contacted by a new lead remember to ask how they heard about you. Keep a record of responses so that you can track the success of real estate mailers as part of your marketing plan.

Knowing the importance of personal contacts, farming principles, and reporting, you can assume that the performance of your real estate mailers will only be as good as the quality of your contact list. The more time you devote to its development, the better results you can expect.

Realtor Marketing Testimonial: Highly Effective Postcards

Posted by Rick on Jan 30th, 2014

Custom postcards are effective postcards, and here is why one agent makes them a part of the overall realtor marketing strategy.

Effective real estate marketing strategies should include custom postcards. 

When Vince Grant, an agent from the Pacific Northwest region, contacted us about helping him with a real estate marketing plan, we were happy to apply what we knew from working with other realtors over the years.

Eventually, it developed into a conversation about how effective postcards are for business, not only for generating leads but also for staying in front of existing clients.

Now, several years later, Vince still turns to ReaMark for realtor marketing products because of the continued effectiveness of the postcards and the service.

Here is his take on the ReaMark experience:

“I have used ReaMark for several years. They have worked with me on several custom postcards and I have had tremendous results. I have appreciated their product quality and their thoroughness and smoothness in the process from creating to mailing. Their pricing has been competitive, the service and communication has been great. I would highly recommend looking into how ReaMark can help your business grow.”

Does your current real estate marketing partner evoke the same sentiment from you?

Custom Realtor Marketing Programs: (800) 932-2957

Read more realtor success stories

Real Estate Daylight Savings Time Postcards: Twofold Effect

Posted by Rick on Jan 20th, 2014


Remind real estate clients of spring time change with daylight savings postcards.

Do you know which day to set your clocks ahead this spring? Your clients probably don’t either, and that’s exactly why real estate agents should send daylight savings time postcards right now.

Why Real Estate Spring Time Change Postcards Work

The benefits of sending daylight savings time information via postcards are twofold:

  • provide valuable information to your clients, and
  • give them a reason to put your name up on their refrigerator.


After all, now that they have the date, they certainly don’t want to forget it! (It’s Sunday, March 9, for those who are wondering.)

As with any realtor prospecting strategy, the key is to send postcards on key dates.

Real estate spring time change postcards hit clients’ mailboxes at the very first important event: daylight savings time.

But in order to get daylight savings time postcards out in time, realtors need to place their orders soon.

You should plan on having the postcards in the homes of your clients no later than the week of February 24.

Timeliness is everything in real estate, and you can reflect the importance of it in your own business by alerting clients to the next time change.

Realtor Marketing Strategies: Regional Expertise is Key

Posted by Rick on Jan 14th, 2014

Realtor Marketing Insights: Post Cards, Calendars and Newsletters

Real estate behaves differently around the country; we know that because we’ve seen how quickly homes move off the market in one area and how painfully stagnant the situation is in another.

This is what makes realtor marketing difficult for agents, especially those that are new to the profession. Do you send real estate marketing post cards or will newsletters be more effective?

What is working in your area?

Realtor marketing strategies: post cards could be your best bet.

ReaMark works with more than 30,000 agents across the U.S., so we know what works and what doesn’t in each region.

It makes sense. If you think about it, realtor marketing can be done with post cards, calendars, newsletters or other direct mail pieces.

But while the brevity of post card mailers may be appealing to one audience, the long format of newsletters may be better suited for a different set of customers.

At ReaMark, we have spent the past 13 years getting to know our customers (the realtors) and their customers (the home buyers and sellers), so that we can guide agents toward the best communication style for their area.

Whether that’s real estate marketing post cards or realtor calendars and newsletters, ReaMark is an advocate for realtors and effective marketing strategies.

Let us put our knowledge to work for your career…your success.

The Real Estate Market is Returning: What Should I Be Doing?

Posted by Rick on Jan 7th, 2014

Fifty-two housing markets out of the approximately 350 nationwide metro areas have returned to or have exceeded the levels of activity they enjoyed before the recession (NAHB), and agents are turning to real estate promotional materials as a way to gain visibility.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, the housing market is running at 85 percent of normal activity on a nationwide scale.

That’s promising data for realtors that are just entering the field as well as those that are eager to take advantage of the returning market.

When asked which realtor promotional tools an agent should focus on, our answer is real estate marketing post cards that can be sent throughout the year.

Promotional Post Cards for Real Estate Agents

Promotional post cards are a key part of real estate marketing strategies.

Most of the successful realtors in today’s market employ the use of real estate post cards to help increase name recognition and sales.

But that’s not the only real estate promotional material that can help agents with their marketing; in fact, Reamark specializes in helping realtors customize a marketing program based on experience, target market, budget and sales goals.

For more information on promotional items or to contact us, visit

The Secret to Starting Your Referral Engine

Posted by Rick on Dec 30th, 2013


Generate Referrals with Recipe Real Estate Calendars for Your Clients

It’s clear that home tip calendars and recipe calendars are some of the most effective real estate calendars for clients, but what some agents may not realize is that these handy little mailers are also excellent referral generators.

Here’s why:

  • People keep them – Whether you choose real estate calendars with home tips or recipes, your clients will want to save them for the valuable information they contain (aside from your personal info, of course!).
  • Clients recognize you – Most calendars are kept on the refrigerator, and the refrigerator is visited 18 times per day, so it won’t take long for homeowners to start seeing your face whenever friends and family talk about finding an agent.
  • They’re free gifts – At least, this is how your contacts will perceive them. Rather than listing bait, your real estate calendars will come across as thoughtful and giving.

Sending real estate calendars that feature quality recipes or valuable home tips have staying power – not only on refrigerators but also in the minds of clients.

These are two of the best places to be when someone asks, “Do you know a good real estate agent?”

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